

Why would footprints on the moon lat a really long time?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Because there is no wind on the moon to blow it around.

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Q: Why would footprints on the moon lat a really long time?
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Why do the footprints on the moon look the same every time?

As long as no one touches or disturbs them, footprints on the Moon will look the same, and will remain unchanged forever. On the moon, there is no wind that would cover the footprints, and there is no water or rain that would wash the footprints away.

If a astronaut landed on the moon how long would the footprints stay there and why?

There were recent amazing pictures released to the press of the surface of the moon which showed many of the objects left on the moon including footprints! So you know the footprints last over 40 years because it has been that long since Neil Armstrong made history with the first footprints on the moon. There is no atmosphere on the moon therefore no rain, wind or water flow so the only thing that will destroy the footprints is space debri of either man made materials or rocks such as a meteor storm. Scientist from different nationsintentionally crash objects into the moon for various studies.

Why there are footprints on moon?

There is gravity on the moon, it is just weaker than it is on Earth. There is fine sand on the moon. if you step on it, of course there would be footprints.

How long will neil Armstrong's footprints on the moon be there for?

Ten Million Years

What is the reason footprints are on the moon?

There is no wind, and barely any gravity so the footprints will stay on the moon for yyyyyeeeeaaaarrrrrrsssss.

If you left footprints on the moon what would happen to them?

The footprints on the moon left by the astronauts will still be there in a few thousand years. They will eventually be covered with new dust from micrometeorites.

How did Neil Armstrong's footprints stay on the moon so long?

The Moon has no wind, no water, and almost no moon quakes (earthquakes on the moon). There is almost nothing to cause the footprints to go away. Unless they are hit by a meteor, comet, or asteroid.

Footprints on the moon will never go away?

Footprints in the moons surface (so in the dust lying on the moon) will never go away because there is no wind on the moon to blow new dust over the footprints.

Why are there still footprints on the moon?

The lack of atmosphere means there is no wind, or rain, etc. to either erode or wash away the footprints. The only way for the footprints to be disturbed would be from an impact event, such as a meteor striking the moon's surface near the prints and disturbing the surface.

How long do footprints last on the Moon?

Until something disturbs it, like a future meteor impact, or a future moon landing. The footprints left by the astronauts may last millions of years.

Was there really ever a moon landing?

Of course there was moon landings, there were 12 astronauts, you can see their footprints, and there are six lunar modules and flags on the moon, for doubting idiots to be convinced.

Why would footprints on the moon last there for hundreds of years?

Because there's no gravity or wind.