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Q: Why would groin lymph nodes still be swollen after abscess if blood work is normal?
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Why does the swollen lump in your groin hurt so much?

This sounds like an infection. Get a doctor to examine it.

Are Lymph nodes common?

Every body, has lymph nodes in there groin. It is not normal for them to be swollen though. If they are swollen, your body is trying to fight of an infection. thankfully It is rarely anything serious.

Can you have swollen lymph nodes in groin area from shingles?

Yes, definitely, if the skin infection is affecting the inguinal area.

What is a bubeo?

I don't think bubeo is a word. Did you mean bubo? A bubo is a swollen lymph node typically in the armpit or groin.

What can you put on a cyst to stop it throbbing its in the groin area?

It's probably not a cyst. It's probably an swollen lymph node which means there is an infection in your body. Check your underarm to see if other lymph nodes are swollen.

Why do i have Large swelling of right leg ankle foot and lymph and groin area?

the lymph nodes help with healing. if your right leg has an infection then the lymph nodes will be swollen. they get swollen because the white blood cells carry bacteria to the lymph nodes to fight and kill the bacteria that are causing the infection. whenever there is an infection usually the white blood cells go to that area to help fight off the bacteria. so its going to be swollen and tender if there are more white blood cells in one spot than there usually is. all it is, is an infection of some kind being fought off. see a dr.

How do you give yourself a Bangkok wedgie?

Do a normal wedgie and after that kick yourself in the groin

When you have hiv were do you get swollen lymph nodes?

It is generalized which means swelling of the nodes occur in several parts of the body including arm pits groin and neck

How do you know you have the Black death?

You will get big swollen lumps around your groin and armpits ( buboes ) then you will get a fever and start being sick hope that helped xx

Your lymph nodes in your groin under your arms and in your neck and back of neck are all enlarged not enormous but swollen a bit you have had a cbc that came back normal Is HIV the only other thing?

A CBC checks your blood count not really for illness. Unless you have an infection your white blood count would be normal. It's a problem you really need to dicuss with your doctor as it could be serious but not necessarily HIV, especially if you have no known exposure or high risk activities. If you know you have been exposed to HIV, let your doctor know right away. There are all sorts of things that can give you swollen lymph nodes, from the 'flu right up to HIV. You really need to discuss all this with your doctor as the answer above says.