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Q: Why would ground deer meat mixed with ground pork go sour after cooking?
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How do you cook deer steaks?

Deer meat is much lower in fat than beef and cooking methods depend on the cut of steak. Like beef, deer rib steaks are good grilled. T ougher cuts can be marinated in oil/vinegar and seasonings for overnight to tenderize them and eliminate some of the "game" meat taste. Also teriyaki sauce is a good marinade. Roasts can be marinated and cooked in the oven with an inch of broth or wine and covered with a lid or foil. Burgers are good but because of the low fat they are best if ground deer is mixed in with 1/4 ground beef.

Does the smell of cooking food scare deer away?

no the smell of cooking does not scare a deer away. If you are a loud cooker or making lots of noise then it will run away

What does the online Deer and Deer Hunting site offer people?

The Deer and Dear Hunting site offers a range of services to would-be and existing hunters. There are videos, cooking tips, members' blogs and a forum on all manner of subjects relating to deer hunting.

What is it like to live in the wild as a grizzly bear?

it would be fun, yet tricky. it would be harder to find food them it would be say if you were a wild deer. Deer have food all around them in the in the wild. All they would have to do is look at the ground and eat the grass! While grizzly bears hunt their food. They may even hunt for the deer!

What is game in a cooking term?

Game in cooking refers to the meat from wild animals, such as deer, wild turkey, and wild rabbit.

Does a white tailed deer have a territory?

male deer are quite territorial and will stake ground for themselve through making marks on trees with the antlers or scraping the ground with their hooves

What can you make with deer meat?

Using Deer MeatIf you have deer meat ground up like ground beef, you can make anything with it that you can make with the beef: burgers, meatloaf, chili, goulash, sloppy joes, spaghetti sauce, etc.

What is the name for an animal that lives on the ground?

bear, wolf and deer

What do deer sleep on?

On the ground deep in the woods away from people

Why do deer dig holes in ground?

no i dont think so! i have a lot of deer on my familys ranch and none dig holes.

Do deer eat edamame?

yes ! pods and stalks . almost to the ground .