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Q: Why would it be a probllem if root hair cell extensions were short and stubby?
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A rabbit becasue hamsters are short and stubby!!

Why would it be a problem if root hair cell extension were short and stubby?

Root hair cells are plant cells that grow a short distance behind the root tip.

Does a giant panda have a tail?

yes they do have tails. the giant pandas tail is small. xxmini: yes but it is hardly noticable.

How would you use the word remedied in a sentence?

When he'd entered prison, he'd had a mustache and a short, stubby beard, but that was soon remedied. Reference: Blizzard's Wake by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor.

How old is Stubby Kaye?

Stubby Kaye was born on November 11, 1918 and died on December 14, 1997. Stubby Kaye would have been 79 years old at the time of death or 96 years old today.

Are hair extensions come from pubic hair?

No. Hair extensions can be made from several things such as real human hair, synthetic hair, animal hair....but never pubic hair. That would be very unsanitary and besides, pubic hair is too short.

What is the function of a stubby screwdriver?

A stubby screwdriver is used when you have a limited space in which to use the tool where a longer screwdriver would not fit in the space required to loosen or tighten the screw .

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Why do sloths have long arms?

Sloths have long arms because it is much easier to get from tree to tree, if they had short and stubby arms, it would be much harder for them, because they couldn't reach as far. Hope that helped:)

What length hair extensions would you use if your hair was to your shoulders?

Eight inch extensions should do it.

What would be the best way of chrome extensions promotions?

The best way of Chrome extensions promotions would be through the social media.

Can you curl extensions?

NO it would melt from the heat