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yea for sizzle

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Green Tremblay

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12y ago

No, the short pea trait is recessive and the tall pea plant trait is dominant. This means that if the plant is a hybrid, it has to be a tall pea plant. The dominant traits "mask" the recessive traits. The plant take one trait from their mom and one from their dad. If either the mom or the dad was not a tall, not hybrid pea plant then their kids would have to be tall be cause they would have one dominant, tall trait

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1mo ago

Yes, a short pea plant can be a hybrid for the trait of stem height if it inherits different alleles from its parents that control stem length. This means that despite being short itself, it may carry genetic factors for both short and tall stem height, which can be passed on to its offspring.

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12y ago

No - short height is the recessive trait. This means that any pea plant that is short must be homozygous for this. If they had one tall and one short allele (heterozygous) they would be tall, as this is dominant.

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Q: Can a short pea plant ever be a hybrid for the trait of stem height?
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Can a short pea plant ever be a hybrid?

Yes, a short pea plant can be a hybrid if it is the result of crossing two different pea plant varieties that possess different traits. Hybridization involves the combination of genetic material from two distinct parent plants to create offspring with a mix of characteristics from each parent.

What must be true for a cross between a tall plant and a short plant to produce any short plants?

Both the tall plant and short plant must be heterozygous for the height trait, meaning they each carry one dominant and one recessive allele. When they produce offspring, there is a 25% chance of obtaining a short plant by inheriting two recessive alleles for the height trait.

What is the difference between a Pure tall plant and hybrid tall plant?

A pure tall plant refers to one that has been consistently bred with other tall plants of the same variety to maintain its tall characteristics. A hybrid tall plant, on the other hand, results from cross-breeding two different varieties of plants to create a new plant with varying characteristics, such as height.

When Mendel crossed two plants that were hybrid for stem height (Tt) three fourths ( and frac34) of the F1 plants had short stems.?

This indicates that the short stem trait is dominant. Mendel's expected ratio for a monohybrid cross with dominance is 3:1, with three quarters (75%) showing the dominant trait (short stems) and one quarter (25%) showing the recessive trait (tall stems).

In a hybrid individual the trait that is covered and not expressed is the what trait?


Related questions

Can a pea plant ever be a hybrid for the trait of stem height?

yea for sizzle

What does an alleles for a hybrid tall pea represent?

An allele for tall in a hybrid pea plant represents the gene that codes for the trait of tall height. In the case of a hybrid plant, there are two alleles for height, one inherited from each parent. If both alleles are for tall height (TT or Tt), the plant will exhibit the tall trait.

How dominant or recessive alleles for the trait of stem height determine whether a pea plant will be tall or short?

The dominant trait for height in a pea plant is tall (TT or Tt). The only instance in which a pea plant will be short is if it carries both recessive alleles (tt).

Can a short pea plant ever be a hybrid?

Yes, a short pea plant can be a hybrid if it is the result of crossing two different pea plant varieties that possess different traits. Hybridization involves the combination of genetic material from two distinct parent plants to create offspring with a mix of characteristics from each parent.

What must be true for a cross between a tall plant and a short plant to produce any short plants?

Both the tall plant and short plant must be heterozygous for the height trait, meaning they each carry one dominant and one recessive allele. When they produce offspring, there is a 25% chance of obtaining a short plant by inheriting two recessive alleles for the height trait.

A plant that is hybrid for a trait is?

Has one dominant and one recessive gene for that particular trait.

Can a short pea plant ever be produce from crossing two tall pea plants?

Yes, it is possible to produce a short pea plant from crossing two tall pea plants if they both carry a recessive gene for short height. This would result in a genotype with two copies of the short allele that would code for a short pea plant.

What is the difference between a Pure tall plant and hybrid tall plant?

A pure tall plant refers to one that has been consistently bred with other tall plants of the same variety to maintain its tall characteristics. A hybrid tall plant, on the other hand, results from cross-breeding two different varieties of plants to create a new plant with varying characteristics, such as height.

What is the difference between a pure tall plant and a hybrid tall plant?

Pure TraitsPure traits can be either recessive or dominant. Pure traits may have two dominant genes or two recessive genes. For example, a pea plant may have two genes for tallness, which is dominant trait in pea plants. This plant is homozygous plant with a pure dominant trait for tallness. All of the offspring from this plant will be tall. A pea plant with two genes for shortness is also a pure organism. However, shortness in pea plants is a recessive trait. This plant is a homozygous plant with a pure recessive trait for height. The offspring from this plant will be short if it pollinates with another plant that has two genes for shortness. If this plant pollinates with a tall pea plant, the tall dominant gene will mask or cover up the recessive gene for shortness. Both plants are homozygous or pure plants; one is a pure dominant pea plant, the other is a pure recessive pea plant.Hybrid TraitOrganisms that have two unlike genes for a certain trait are called hybrid. A pea plant with one recessive gene for shortness and one dominant gene for tallness is a hybrid for that trait. A hybrid is called heterozygous, as it has two different alleles. The offspring from a pure tall pea plant, cross-pollinated with a pure short pea plant, will result in a heterozygous plant for tallness. No organism has all dominant or all recessive genes. An organism may be pure in certain traits and hybrid others. Remember, that a dominant trait in one kind of organism may be a recessive trait in another organism.

The height of a type of plant has a normal distribution some plants are tall and some are short but most are in between what is most likely true about this trait?

Several different genes control height

The height of a type of plant has a normal distribution some plants are tall some are short but most are in between what is most likely true about this trait?

Several different genes control height

When Mendel crossed two plants that were hybrid for stem height (Tt) three fourths ( and frac34) of the F1 plants had short stems.?

This indicates that the short stem trait is dominant. Mendel's expected ratio for a monohybrid cross with dominance is 3:1, with three quarters (75%) showing the dominant trait (short stems) and one quarter (25%) showing the recessive trait (tall stems).