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Educating people in agricultural methods builds long-term self-sufficiency by empowering communities to produce their own food. This approach promotes sustainability and reduces dependency on external aid. It also enhances local economies and fosters resilience to future food insecurity.

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Q: Why would it be better to educate people in agricultural methods rather than supply shiploads of food?
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Why would it be better to educate people in agricultural methods rather than supply ship loads of food?

Educating people in agricultural methods helps create long-term sustainability by empowering communities to grow their own food. It also builds local capacity, reduces dependency on external aid, and fosters self-reliance. In the long run, this approach can lead to improved food security and economic development.

Importance of using varied methods and teacher?

Using varied methods of instruction and teaching styles can help cater to different learning preferences and abilities among students, promoting a more inclusive and engaging learning environment. Additionally, different methods can help reinforce concepts through multiple perspectives and provide opportunities for students to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Teachers who utilize varied methods can better support the diverse needs of their students and foster a more comprehensive learning experience.

Why the need to investigate on teaching method?

Investigating teaching methods is important to understand what strategies are the most effective in promoting student learning and engagement. By studying different approaches, educators can adapt their practices to better meet the needs of their students and enhance overall educational outcomes. Additionally, research on teaching methods helps to inform instructional design and policy decisions in education.

What are the advantages of stimulation method as a teaching?

Stimulation methods in teaching can increase engagement and motivation among students by providing interactive, hands-on learning experiences. They can also help students better understand complex concepts by allowing them to actively participate in the learning process. Additionally, stimulation methods can cater to different learning styles and promote creativity and critical thinking skills.

Which learning stratigies not helpful?

Rote memorization, cramming, and passive learning are strategies that are generally not helpful for long-term retention and deep understanding. It's better to focus on active learning methods, such as practicing recall, making connections between new and existing knowledge, and engaging in spaced repetition.

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To better educate the leaders of the world on fitness.

What is Agriculture revolution?

Agricultural revolution is the transferring of old agricultural ways into new ones by means of technology advances as well as labor reforms.

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The development of agriculture was the most important factor that caused people to shift from hunter-gatherer societies to agricultural settlements. This shift provided a more stable and reliable food source, allowing for larger populations to be sustained and permanent settlements to be established. Agriculture also led to the development of more complex societies with division of labor and societal hierarchies.

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Informational means giving information or able to inform/ to better educate.