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The velocity tells you the speed of the hurricane, but also tells you the direction the hurricane is heading.

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Q: Why would it be more important to know the velocity of the hurricane instead the speed of hurricane?
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Why is it important to know when there is a tornado coming?

Velocity is speed and direction. It is important to know the velocity and not just the speed, because with both speed and direction you can figure out where a tornado is going and when it should get there.

What is the velocity above level 5 hurricane?

The wind speed of a Level 5 Hurricane is about 100 to 150 MPH...

Why we does not use speed instead of velocity?

When the direction of motion is relevant, you would use velocity rather than speed.

When do people use velocity instead of speed?

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It can be important to know the velocity of an object not just its speed because?

We distinguish between speed and velocity because if you add the speedsof objects, their directions are important. For example, the velocity of an airplane with ...

What is the scientific definiton of speed?

Speed is the magnitude of velocity, with units of distance divided by time. An important distinction is that speed is a scalar and velocity is a vector. Consequently, speed (unlike velocity) does not have a direction.

Why do you need to calculate velocity instead of speed?

Speed and Velocity are two different things . Velocity- "the rate at which an object changes its position." Speed- "How fast an object is moving". To calculate speed and velocity, you first need to calculate distance and time. Velocity is considered to be a more logical term

When is velocity important?

Velocity is important when someone wants to know the DIRECTION as well as the speed of something. Velocity is a VECTOR value, which means that it has two parts to its magnitude: the direction as well as the speed. This can be important in many scenarios, such as when a rocket is is very important to know the direction/angle as well as the speed.

Why there's a change velocity if you are changing direction?

Because that's the definition of 'velocity'.'Velocity' is not just a word you use instead of 'speed' when you want to sound smart.It's meaning is different from the meaning of 'speed'.'Velocity' has two parts to it . . . speed and direction. If either of those changes, thenthe velocity has changed.

The velocity of an object can what if the speed of an object remains constant?

The velocity can still change, even if the speed doesn't. This is because velocity is a vector - not only the magnitude is important, but also the direction.

Why do you used v instead of the s for speed formula?

S is usually used for position and v for velocity or speed.