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Magma is molten rock that is below ground level so it probably wouldn't be exposed to the open air.

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Q: Why would lava cool more quickly then magma?
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Why would lava cool more quickly then lava?

Magma is molten rock that is below ground level so it probably wouldn't be exposed to the open air.

Does andesite cool quickly or slowly?

Lava will cool quickly compared to underground magma.

Do rocks that cool slowly from magma contain more crystals?

No. They would contain fewer, but larger mineral crystals when compared to igneous rocks which have cooled quickly from lava or magma.

Does lava cool slowly or quickly?

Magma that cools quickly forms into igneous rock, when it cools quickly it becomes a lava rock. Lava cools very quickly at first and forms a thin crust that insulates the interior of the lava flow.

Would lava cool quicker than magma?

yes because lava is exposed to the surface while magma is below Earth's suface which would be hotter than the suface

What cools quickly on the earth's surface?

it would be lava , magma is in the ground and flows on earths surface and cools to lava

Are magma and lava sedimentary rocks?

No. Magma and lava are molten rock. When the cool they form igneous rock.

What rocks cool from magma or lava?

magma cools into intrusive igneous rock while lava into extrusive igneous rock

Lava and what can cool to become igneous rocks?


What does Lava on the surface of the earth do quickly?

Lava on the earth's surface will cool quickly.

What rock is formed when magma and lava cool and harden?

Igneous Rock.

Do large crystals form when magma and lava cool slowly?
