

Why would message boards use BBCode?

Updated: 3/17/2021
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10y ago

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There are many reasons why a message board would choose to use BBCode. The biggest reason why a message board would choose BBCode would be that it is very easy to use.

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Q: Why would message boards use BBCode?
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It's helpful to spend time perusing through Internet message boards and forums that relate to children's writing. There are a plethora of message boards and forums available concerning writing. However, most of these message boards focus on writing for adults. If you want a message board that focuses specifically on writing for children then check out the following message boards. Some of these message boards are part of organizations that you have to join while other boards will let you register for free. 1. You must be a member of SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) in order to use the message boards in any manner. You can't even read them unless you are a member. That is why I encourage you to check about becoming a member. I am and have found SCBWI to be helpful in so many ways. The message boards are very active with both published and not-yet-published authors and illustrators. 2. This is "Verla Kay's Website for Children's Writers and Illustrators". This message board is free to read without registering. If you want to post you can register for free. There are so many great pages to check out, but click on the Forums & Links link for the message boards. 3. This website contains a vast amount of information on children's writing plus free message boards. The message boards aren't quite as organized, but they are still useful and interesting.

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The electronic message board is one where lots and more stuff can be posted. Also, its more up-to-date. A standard message board one where no lots of people use. Also, it is less up-to-date than most electronic ones.

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When you asked this question, the message boards were down. They still are actually (54 minutes later) it was submitted as a priority one bug. As a wise old supervisor said "Well let's use this time to do what we should, answer questions!!"

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WikiGuides have badges they use for messages on the message boards. They do not give WikiAnswers badges out that go on the profiles.

Should you delete old posts on your WikiAnswers Personal Message Board?

Managing your Message BoardThe management of personal message boards is something the community hasn't really figured out. They're too new. Every user should use their personal discretion. If older and less important posts are cluttering your message board, maybe they should be removed. If you learn methods that do or don't work, post them here.Other users message boards are personal and should never be edited by someone else. While Message boards are the property of and managers can access any or all of the content, other users should never take it upon themselves to remove content from those boards.

Why can't you communicate with users who only have an IP Address?

You must be a registered user at WikiAnswers in order to be able to use the Message Boards.