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Q: Why would olive trees grow on mountain slopes?
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What are mountain trees fir ash elm oak yew fig tea?

Fir trees are conifers and would grow on steep, dry slopes. Yews, while predominantly a valley or understory tree, can likewise be found on low mountains.

How was farming possible on mountain slopes?

Often the slopes are broken into multiple step like platforms and each one would be planted on.

Can you grow olive trees in Maine?

What type of Olive tree would be able to grow in Maine.

What would happen if trees in the mountain were cut and not replace?

There would be no trees on the mountain Soil erosion would occur this would cause run off

How would the rock cycle be affected in an area where tectonic plate motion is increasing the height and steepness of a mountain range?

Erosion along the mountain slopes would increase.

What will happen if you keep cutting trees on a mountain?

The mountain would obviously fall down.

Where could you get olives in ancient Greece?

the olive trees. They had orchard or vineyard like places for olives. You would pick them from your trees.

What kind of simple machine is a mountain highway?

Since it slopes up I would put in inclined plane.

How was Table Mountain formed?

The story of Cape Town must begin with Table Mountain. The mountain creates a rain shadow, providing rain and the streams that flow in its valleys. Small forests grow in the ravines and the mountain provides shelter. Soil has developed on the mountain slopes, in contrast to the sandy plains beyond. Without these vital elements the area would would not have attracted human settlement.

Why mountain trees short?

They have evolved this way as mountain terrain does not allow them to grow big, the stony mountain ground does not allow for a strong root system therefore large or tall trees would fall over without an extensive and strong root system to support them.

Would perpendicular lines have negative or positive slopes?

I believe they have Negative Slopes as stated by my Geometry Book. "Perpendicular Lines Have Slopes Which Are Negative ___"

If you climb a mountain in Arizona you might reach an area where the trees resemble the taiga trees in Nothern Canada. Why would a taiga forest exist in Arizona?

because there are many high elevations in Arizona