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Myspace is a social networking site. A person must be registered with Myspace before being able to log in. They must create a profile and have a password and login username.

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Q: Why would one have to use the login feature on MySpace?
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How can one add comment boxes for a MySpace site?

One can add comment boxes for their MySpace profile by visiting many of the different websites that feature coding snippets for MySpace. One example of such a site is Quackit.

How can you tell if a MySpace login page is legitimate?

The "spoofed" login page may have obvious spelling errors or otherwise have an "off" look about them but often the page looks perfectly legitimate. One can get a better feel of things by figuring out how one arrived at the login page. Was the "link" in an e-mail with a warning that the account may have been hacked and that a fresh login should take place to change the password? Is there a "MySpace Upgrade Tool" that invites the user to click on and use? The only way one be sure it's a legitimate page is by typing in the known MySpace URL directly into the html field and not by clicking on a helpful but suspicious navigation link.

How does a person login to their Citibank account?

To login to their Citibank account one would first have to go to the Citibank website and find the login page. One would then need to enter one's security information and account details.

Why is MySpace cool?

MySpace is cool because people like it when people like something it is cool if no one went on myspace it would not be cool

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One can get help if their Postini login has failed is by contacting the company by calling or by looking in the FAQ and see what the problem is. One would have to find out what the problem is first.

What is one way to get into MySpace?


Is MySpace illegal?

no! if it was there wouldn't be one! the police would have the servers delete it!..........

Where can one get a cheap td login?

A TD login would be a login for the online banking services of the TD Bank. This doesn't need to be cheap because they offer their online banking services for free.

How does one obtain photobucket login information?

There are many ways one might go about obtaining Photo Bucket login information. The most reputable way to receive a login would be to visit the official website and create a personal account.

Can one have multiple usernames for a gmail login?

Yes, you can create as many user names as you would like for a gmail login. You can also tie as many other email accounts into one gmail account as you would like.

Does Taylor Lautner have more then one MySpace?

i relly dont now but, i would imagine he would have a few but, do you now one of them?

How can one login to gmail if they lost their password?

Gmail has a feature where if you forget your password, you can have it mailed to another email address. If you don't have one, they also have you do two security questions when you set up the account.