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For a prayer intention. The "vigil" candle is just that, it stands vigil, symbolically representing your desire to pray for a certain grace or petition. Long after you must leave the church to do your duties the candle remains, symbolizing your intention.

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Many Christians believe that lighting a candle in church can bring good luck to the persons who light it. For example, before taking a flight on a plane, you may light a candle and prey for good luck.

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Q: Why would one light a vigil candle in church?
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What is the origin of candle light vigil for someone who is dead?

In the pre-electrification days, when the dying were cared for in their homes, vigils were held with various prayers and devotions. Candle light would also have been needed for The Anointing and Last Rites.

Why does the priest lit the paschal candle outside of the church on Easter?

During the Good Friday service (and in some traditions the Maundy Thursday service), all the lights are removed from a worship space, with the light of the paschal candle being the last to be removed/extinguished. Because the paschal candle specifically represents Christ's living presence among the people, by extinguishing the candle, we signify Jesus' death. Then, on Easter a fire is lit outside the church and the candle first lit to symbolize Christ's resurrection (usually with a new candle to symbolize new life). That light is then carried into the darkness of the church and from there the light spreads throughout the worshiping community. The symbolism would be ruined if you used a lighter or another candle to light the paschal candle in the worship space because it would no longer serve as the source of all light and life in our midst.

What is the standard foot candle requirement for church lighting?

The light levels in any church depends on many things but for comfortable reading, I would have at least 30 foot candles.

Why can't you light a candle underwater?

You can't light a candle underwater because the water would put it out and no friction

How would you light your home in 1740?

A Candle

What if the light bulb wasn't invented?

Then there would be no light bulb. We would have to watch TV by candle light.

Does a light of candle affect a mirrow?

yes it would

Who provides the baptism candle?

Customarily it would be the godparents responsibility to provide the candle. However, in practice, the Church provides the candles.

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Is lighting candle haram?

why would lighting a candle be haram? ofcourse if you use it to light a Menorah like the jews then ofcourse it is haram. But if the electricty goes out and you light a candle or if you use scented candles why would it be haram? Intentions are important in Islam.

Where to shoot the candle on wild west island?

You have to shoot it right where you would light it at the top of the candle wick.Hope this helped!

What is Formula for converting watts to foot candles?

Foot-candle is a unit of light intensity, not of power like watts. The power would vary, depending on the color of the light.Foot-candle is a unit of light intensity, not of power like watts. The power would vary, depending on the color of the light.Foot-candle is a unit of light intensity, not of power like watts. The power would vary, depending on the color of the light.Foot-candle is a unit of light intensity, not of power like watts. The power would vary, depending on the color of the light.