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If fog is more dense than air, it will hang low to the ground. Crawling through it will limit visibility. It would make more sense to stand up and walk out.

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Q: Why would people walk out or crawl out of the room if the fog is denser than the air?
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Should you walk out or crawl out of a room filled with fog denser than air?

Walk. To keep noses in clear air.

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No. If it is denser than air it will stay low to the ground. Crawling makes it more likely that you will breath it in, and that is not good as this unusual fog could be toxic.

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good try,but water at room temp. has the same density. Unless you boil water and compare,my research shows boiled water has less density.

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Take a fan and blow the fog away !

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Neon and argon are two other gases that are denser than helium and do not react easily with other elements.

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It's simple just get the key and run to the first room you see after finding the key and crawl under the prison bed.Once the crimson guard leaves immediatly crawl out and run to the next room. keep doing this until you find a hole under the bed.When you find the hole crawl in it and your out......for now. (p.s., if you keep failing then keep running once you get the key, just don't bump into any one of the Crimson guards.)