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Walk. To keep noses in clear air.

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11y ago

youu shuld crawl

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Q: Should you walk out or crawl out of a room filled with fog denser than air?
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Why should you crawl lose to the floor in a smoke filled room?

Because the smoke is hot and will rise towards the ceiling. The lower you stay in a smoky room, the fresher the air is !

What action should you take if you find yourself in a smoke filled room?

Get low to the ground and crawl out of the room and out of the house. I know, I'm a Boy Scout.

If Fog denser than air fills a room what should you do?

Take a fan and blow the fog away !

An unusual fog is denser than air begins to fill a room should the people in the room crowl out?

No. If it is denser than air it will stay low to the ground. Crawling makes it more likely that you will breath it in, and that is not good as this unusual fog could be toxic.

Is cold water denser than room tempurture water?

yeah cold water is denser than room temperature (warm) water.

What to do when caught in a room filled with smoke from a fire?

Run away. Or try to put it out. if it gets on you drop to the floor and roll it out.

Why would people walk out or crawl out of the room if the fog is denser than the air?

If fog is more dense than air, it will hang low to the ground. Crawling through it will limit visibility. It would make more sense to stand up and walk out.

What is the predicate in the following sentence Red balloons filled the room?

filled the room

Is fluorine denser than water?

No. Fluorine is a gas at room temperature a little bit denser than air.

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gas needs room to expand in the tank

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tall ceramic vase filled with wet foam that has room for water

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He crawls into the room