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As far as we all know, people always liked to watch prosecutions, murders and violence. This is the same reason behind it as of why people watch action movies. I think the roots of this interest is in our wild origin - people interested in watching bloody shows such as fights between people and animals or and people and other people just because the experience they may receive by watching may help them to survive in a fight they will have themselves one day.

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Q: Why would people watch witches get hanged?
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If two witches watched two watches which witch would watch witch watch?

Correction: If two witches watched two watches, which witch would watch WHICH watch. Answer: More research needs to be done on Watch watching witches to determine which watches witches will watch. Answer: The Witches would watch the watch that the witches were watching Answer: Witch A would watch Watch A because if Witch B watched Watch A it would be called Watch B THE REAL ANSWER: (the above is bull) One witch would watch the other witches watch whilest the other witch watched the other witches watch .... BAMBOOZELED

If two witches would watch two watches which witch would watch which watch?

One witch would watch the other witches watch whilest the other witch watched the other witches watch.

Where were witches executed in England?

the witches were normally either : hanged by a rope or burnt at a stake or drowned. they would properly hanged over a river . burnt in a fire . and drowned in a river . hope this helps !

What would people do to witches?

the would either get hung or they would burn the witches. Very painful deaths

If 2 witches were watching 2 watches which witch would watch which watch?

Obviously, the second witch would watch the watch with a second hand. This leaves the first witch to watch the digitial watch.

What did Fidel Castro do to people who opposed him?

they would get prisond and or get hanged.....

How did they kill Salem witches?

They usually hung, burnt, drowned, or cut them to death. EDIT: At Salem, they only hung the convicted witches. Burning was a Continental European punishment. Drowning was part of the water test and if you drowned you were innocent. And "cut" I can only explain as beheading. The only person accused of witchcraft to be beheaded was Anne Bolynn, and that was because she was convicted of treason.

When is it correct to use hung or hanged?

Hung would be betterAnswerIt's simple. Pictures are hung; people are hanged. For example:"There are several pictures hung on this wall.""The murderer was hanged last week."

Why were so many convicted witches killed?

People were scared of what witches could or would do with their power. They considered all witches evil, which was not, in fact, the case. Indeed, there were evil witches, but there were also good witches.

How were witches treated in 17th century?

in the 17th century Witches where treated very poorly , they where normally accused of being a old lady in the woods with either a black cat.they would be hanged , burnt alive or they would be 'dunked' this is where they would tie them up and place them into a lake or river , if they floated they where classed a witch , but if they didn't they wouldn't be a witch , but either way , they would a die . 'Duh' .what where named 'witches' where treated Very badly and didn't deserve to be treated that way.Hope that covers a bit about witches !!

Is it hung or hanged?

If one was to hang someone (the punishment) then the correct use would be 'hanged' But if you wanted to hang baskets from the wall the use would be 'hung' 'Hanged' only applies to the punishment. Hope this helps (:

What happened to people who were guilty of witchcraft?

They would be hanged but if they confessed they will be in jail for a period of time.