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Check your B-12 absorption. There was an episode of Mystery Diagnosis that you may be able to find on YouTube that mentioned this symptom in a case of a woman who was not able to absorb B-12. Or look up pernicious anemia. I think that is what it's called.

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because feces erupts from your anus.

its vicious.

ex specially when you have intercourse or are fornicating, from the pressure of the penile organ.

mainly with women of bigger anus size.

when intercourse of the anus is very flamboyant it causes female organs to react with such matter and mass.

to solve your smoking anus problem, take some medications, and see your family flower child so they can take matters into there own spiritual healing.

or just get over it, and let smoke come out of your anus!

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Q: Why would smoke come out of an anus when defecating?
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What happens to the sperm that goes in your anus?

Sperm that enters the anus during sexual activity typically does not survive and cannot fertilize an egg, as the environment is not conducive to sperm survival and transport. The digestive system and immune response in the anal region would not support the survival of sperm cells.

What part of your body is your anus?

Both girls and boys have an anus for passing waste out of the body.

Is poop coming out of your vagina or your butt hole?

Feces come out of your anus (butt hole). Something is really wrong if it is coming from the vagina.

What does your anus bleed?

Bleeding from the anus can be caused by a couple of things. The first is hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are inflamed, irritated blood vessels in the rectum. Sometimes they can bleed when you have a bowel movement. This is not anything to worry about, unless the bleeding is severe, or does not stop. Another reason blood could come from the anus would be some sort of internal bleeding. Intestinal polyps or stomach ulcers can bleed into the intestines and be passed through the anus. This can be a potentially serious condition, since the body is slowly losing an unknown amount of blood. If you are unsure of the origin of the bleeding, please see your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

How do you permanently expand your anus?

You can use a buttplug, they come in many different sizes. Should not be used too often though if you choose a big one since the muscle can go weak and then you will become incontinent. You can also use your fingers.

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What happens inside the anus?

Red should come out of your anus.

Which hole does a baby come out of?

If by which hole, you mean either the vagina or the anus, it would definitely be the vagina.

Why would smoke come out of AC vents?

If that smoke is more like steam, you have a leaky heater core.

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Fire... Where there is smoke, there is fire.

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Where did the bow kite come from?

my anus

What would cause smoke to come from the dipstick?

This is not that uncommon. Some oil is so hot that it will start to smoke. The smoke can escape through this opening to the engine.

Is it harmful to infect your own semen in your anus?

NoThe anus is a nasty place....All the food that is consumed ends up as waste in the anus waiting to be expelled. If semen was to end up inside your anus nothing would happen since the next time you go to the restroom it will be expelled from the anus.

What would cause blue smoke to come out of your tailpipe on 97 Volvo 850?

Blue smoke is burning oil.Blue smoke is burning oil.

Would a bad head gasket cause loss of oil to come out the tailpipe?

No. A bad head gasket would cause water to come out the tailpipe. You will see white smoke. Leaky rings would cause oil to come out the tailpipe. You will see blue smoke.

When does smoking get out of your body?

well the smoke takes four days to actually come out the body.but i would advice you NOT to smoke after that again.

Can your eyes come out of your head and shove them up your anus?

Only if you're anus is as big as your eyes.