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Q: Why would some of the captains try to fit as many slaves as possible into the ships?
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What were condtions like on slave ships?

To help increase profit, slave ship owners would pack as many slaves as possible into a ship as possible, creating a very crowded environment. Slaves were chained to the ship, so going to the bathroom meant that you just went, getting you and those around you covered in your waste. There was lots of cases of dehydration, scurvy, and dysentery. Over a third of slaves that were transported died. Also, sailors and captains could do whatever they wanted to the slaves, such as raping, murdering, or torturing them.

Why did slaves stay in America instead of going back to Africa?

The Africans that were bought or stolen and sent to America to be slaves stayed in America because they had no way to return to Africa. Many slaves tried to escape at some point of their journey, by means of suicide or fleeing; but, to return to Africa they would have needed ships and captains willing to transport them. Finding these things would have been virtually impossible.

How did slaves get washed on ships?

The "Slavers" would take buckets of water and splash it over the slaves.

What did they do to the dead African slaves that were on the ships?

They would throw them overboard to keep the other slaves from getting sick.

What was a high paying job in 1749?

Captains of ships made a lot of money. Rich people would buy a ship and hire a captain to sail it. The ships were mainly involved in trading.

What jobs did slaves do on ships?

They would cook, clean and be bossed around by the captain

What did they do with the slaves from the slave ships when they lsnded and how did they sell the slaves?

When slaves were brought ashore from slave ships, they were usually inspected, cleaned, and separated before being sold at auctions. The slaves were then auctioned off to the highest bidder, typically plantation owners or slave traders, who would then use them for labor in fields, mines, or households.

How were slaves fed on ships?

For the crew and captains of Middle Passage boats, food supply for the slaves was a nuisance, as well as a necessity. Because so much food was needed to feed the slaves in the over packed boats, some captains did not want to waste the boat space on food, but rather on slaves, and so they brought far too little food on the voyage. This low supply of food also created a problem- too many slaves would die of starvation if there was not enough food to feed them. The Portuguese had laid down precise regulations in the amount of food need for the journey of a slave vessel, and for a time those rules were maintained. The Law of 1684 emphasized these regulations. However captains bound for Rio from Luanda or Benguela in Angola often refused to buy what was needed. Food was certainly under supplied.

How did countries get slaves?

They sent ships, mainly to Africa. Once there, they would trade with the locals to bring them slaves. Sometimes, men from the ship would go hunting for slaves themselves, basically kidnapping anyone they came across to be sold as slaves.

How many slaves died on slave ships?

=== It is suspected that of 11 million slaves transported, this represented a third of the slaves from the start. so approximately 22 million slaves died on the slaves ships in the Indies and Americas alone.

Did pirates have slaves?

Yes, some pirates did have slaves, although it was not as widespread as in other contexts like plantations or colonial settlements. Pirates often captured slaves from ships they raided and would sometimes keep them for labor or ransom. However, there were also instances where pirates liberated slaves from ships they captured.

Why was Liverpool important during the slave trade?

Liverpool, as well as Bristol, were important because they were seaside towns, which meant they had docks. They were the first places the slaves ships would go after selling their slaves in america. When their ships were docked, the crew would clean out the slaves living area. It was the last stop in the triangular trade.