

Why would some people of Germany not vote for Hitler?

Updated: 2/24/2020
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12y ago

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Because Hitler is bad man and he want to kill the Jews people.

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Q: Why would some people of Germany not vote for Hitler?
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Did some people like Hitler?

yes. after Germany had to pay 6 million after ww1 they needed someone to help them love and be pround of their country. Hitler loved Germany and built an army to help Germany fight back.

What was the name of Aldoph Hitler's empire during World War 2?

It was still called Germany, just some people reffered to it as Nazi Germany.

Was Hitler respected?

No, he was not. Germany was in an economical crisis right after World War I. When Hitler rose to power, most people were already very anti-Semitic(Against Jews). So when Hitler treated Jews as they were treated, it was already the way of life for the people in Germany. Hitler did promise the Germans that they would be taken out of their economy crisis. Germans at the time did not care anything else but to get back into a good economy. -Hitler was not hated by MOST Germans.

Could you buy the Mein Kampf book today?

Yes but i say get it now because starting by germany they will rewrite mein kampf and take out ALL Nazism ideals like hitlers thought of how he would change germany because their scared that people would be efended especially jews and/or people would try to copy hitler which some people tried before

What if Hitler never took power?

If Hitler had never come to power then 50 million people would not have died and the 6 million Jews would not have suffered and been murdered. Germany probably would have formed some type of socialist or communist government since those parties were running in the elections in the 1930s.

Where did europeans migrate to after world war 2?

After WW2, most people stayed in there countries apart from the ones in Germany and some of the rest went to other places in Europe and few went to the US. For people in Germany, a lot of people wanted to leave as they feared for their life's of what the allies would do to them because of what Hitler did.

Why was Switzerland and Sweden left alone by Hitler?

Because, they promised that they would get in hitlers way and that hitler knew if sweden and switzerland could other a little sheild for germany when they are advancing to other countries to invade. Switzerland and Sweden did promise that they would lend germany some resources if germany didnt invade the 2 countries.

Some manufactured products from Germany?

noelle tu madre HITLER.

What were some of the areas blamed for Germany's decline under Hitler?

the war

What was the Rhineland rearmed?

Hitler re-armed the Rhineland in an attempt to see how France and Britain would react. The treaties signed by Hitler, especially the Versailles, clearly stated that if the Rhineland was entered and rearmed by Germany they were to be taken out immediately. France and Britain pitied Germany's losses though, and they let Germany have some leeway. In this, Hitler proved that France and Britain were weak and would be too late to stop his larger efforts

Why did some Germans not follow Hitler?

Some were being persecuted by the Nazi regime.Communists, Social Democrats and liberal did not approve of Nazi policies.Some objected on religious grounds.Some turned against Hitler when it became obvious the Germany would lose the war.