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Q: Why would some say that Rome was the highest product of the ancient world?
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No, that would be the Himalayas

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If I were to guess I would say the Triple Whopper with bacon and cheese. This would come to about 1300 calories.

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The highest mountain in the world would be Mountain Everest. This mountain is in Mahalangur section of the Himalayas.

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The Himalayas being the highest that will make the Andes the second highest mountain range in the world, and the third would be the Alps in Europe.

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No because if not for the Greek we would not have the architecture we do today.

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Believe it or not Elkader, IA U.S.A has the world! If you have been there you would believe me!

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Mandrin" the Chinese language is the frequently used language in the world then English If you are asking abour highest in elevation, then it is Nepalese. The highest in altitude above the earth would be Astronaughtical language. The highest in distance from Earth would be Cimeonestrian or possably the Voltracs.