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One will buy a franking machine because they want to save money on postage. One will get discounted postage when one uses a franking machine. One can buy a franking machine when one goes to the website of Royal Mail.

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Q: Why would someone buy a franking machine for?
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Disadvantage of franking machine?

The disadvantage is - it's easy to abuse it ! Some companies allow anyone to use their franking machine - meaning that any employee can frank personal mail, thus avoiding paying for the postage. Franking machines are 'loaded' with pre-paid credit. Once the machine is 'primed' - anyone can feed letters through it - and use the credit until it's exhausted. That's why most franking machines are locked away until the end of the working day, and one person franks all the outgoing mail.

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It depends on how big of a machine you buy and how often you use it. If you have someone cleaning your house once a week for say $50 or buy a $200 machine to clean your house yourself, it would pay for itself in four weeks.

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Where can one buy a Mystery Machine replica?

There are lots of places online where someone can buy a Mystery Machine replica. Some of these places are Amazon, eBay, Ninja Jump, Sears and Mr. Toys.

Where can I locate and buy the body glide fitness machine?

I would really by the glide fitness machine at Walmart. If you buy at Walmart then you would get the best price that money can buy. Really if you buy it from Walmart then you can find some discounts and really cheap prices.

If someone were interested in purchasing a commercial ice machine where would one find it?

To buy a commercial ice machine you should try Hoshizaki Commercial Ice Machines they offer great looking, great service and competitive pricing.

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Someone can purchase a Gazillion bubble machine from Amazon where there are many available for between $12 and $20. One can also buy from eBay and Toys R Us.

Is it cheaper to buy a new espresso machine or repair an used one?

It would probably be better just to buy a new espresso machine, since there are many machines that go on sale weekly. If you have senimental value towards the machine then I would go ahead and repair it.