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Just as your neighbors today would probably recognize your car, so would neighbors by able to identify the horses of members of local Klansmen. The horses had to be covered for this reason.

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What other religions wear clothes like the KKK?

The KKK is a cult and not a religion although they would like you to believe otherwise. Some monks do wear cloaks with the pointed hoods lowered over their faces, but nothing like the KKK covering their faces with holes for their eyes and a flap for their mouths. If you believe in what you are doing and you don't have anything to hide then there is no reason to hide behind a costume such as the KKK. The modern KKK works in a different manor now and only wear their sheets (the leader is in red) at private meetings.

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Where do you get the KKK dress?

KKK garb and regalia were sold by the Klan as a way to make money. you could get one made, but why would you want a KKK dress.

How would a man being hunted by the KKK be different for his wife and children?

it would be differnt for his wife and kids because he would be gone all the time hideing from the kkk and his family wont have someone to protect them and they could get cuaght by the kkk to

How did the US react to activities of the KKK?

down south the police would join the KKK instead of stopping them.

Would joining the KKK be a reliable source of income for my family of 3?

No. The KKK is a social organization, not a company or corporation.

What is the entrance fee of KKK?

GAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!!!! The KKK is a clan that hates black people and would maybe accept anyone that would follow their views for free i think, but joining the KKK isn't a good idea, they are haters and believe in white supremacy.

Are the KKK with the blacks?

NO they would be killing there own kind

How was the KKK disbaned or how did they loose power?

They lost power with the lack of social tensions throughout America. They realized that blacks and other groups would continue to gain civil rights despite the widespread malevolence. Their actions were also denounced by President Lyndon Johnson. Also a rapid decline took place when the names of the KKK were posted. They were powerful together in the dark with their white cloaks hiding their faces; however, they never dared to come to light alone. Definition = Coward.

What is the KKK hand signs?

It would not be a good idea to post that here. it might promote.

What is the definition of zoom slider?

kkk kkk kkk

Would the KKK be considered a reform group?

No, it would be considered a hate group.