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Because its mostly rock (80%) and sand (20%) with very little green vegetation.

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because shipments are from outside (aalovemusicart)i am a 10-year old

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Q: Why would the Sahara have a brownish color when seen in space?
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Why would the Sahara have a brownish color when seen from space?

because sahara consists mostly sand (gglovemusicpeace) i am a 10 year old

Why would the Sahara have a brownish color?

because it's full of sand...

What color do you get when you mix red with orange?

I think you would get a brownish color, but try it out and let me know.

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brownish-yellow that's what I would say

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It would start changing the color of the steel into a brownish color, it becomes rust

What color do you get when you mix purple and green.?

When you mix the colors green and purple, you would get a brownish-purple color. I think this would happen because the green adds a bit to the purple, which sort-of makes a brownish-black color. But when you look deeper and closer towards the color, the color starts to advance to a little shadeness of purplr again, but the brownish-black color still remained. I also did this on an art pallet at art class, then I got in trouble. Joking about the last part, though!

How do red pandas get their fur color?

They get it from their parents. Like if the red panda was a brownish redish color it baby would look the same.

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A green marble mantle would go great with a brownish fireplace. It is my personal favorite type of mantle.

Why would you be spotting brownish red?

Its either because you cannot see well or that's just the color

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Jet is a gem quality variety of lignite coal and would be brownish to black.

What color is the inner core?

If a piece of the inner core could be retrieved and allowed to cool, it would resemble an iron meteorite--brownish black in color.