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No cytoplasm means no where in the cells to hold the organelles. No organelles means no cell functions would be complete so the cell dies. Also the cytoplasm contains useful enzymes etc that the cell needs.

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Q: Why would the cell die if cytoplasm was removed?
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What happen if there is no cytoplasm in plant cell?

It would die because a cell needs to have water to survive.

What happens if the cytoplasm of a cell is damaged?

Minor damage of the cytoplasm in a living cell can be repaired by itself but if it is very severe the cell will die.

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If all the mitochondria were removed from a cell it would no longer be able to function. This is because the mitochondria produces the energy for the cell.

What happen to the body if cell wastes were never removed?

The person would die.

What would happen if the nuclear membrane was missing in a cell?

Since the nucleus is known as "the brain of the cell", if it were removed, the cell would die almost instantly. The nucleus controls all of the cell organelles, whether it be the mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, cytoplasms, or even the nucleolus. So if the nucleus was removed, since it controls all of the organelles, the cell would die and so would the organism it is controlling.

What would happen if cytosol was not functioning properly in cell?

The cytoplasm pushes against the cell wall and the cell becomes turgid. A plant cell in a concentrated solution (lower water potential than the cell contents) Water leaves the cell by osmosis. The cytoplasm pulls away from the cell wall (plasmolysis) and the cell becomes flaccid and the plant wilts.

What if mitochodria were removed from a cell?

Most nucleated cells would die. There are a few exceptions, but not in modern animals.

What would happen to a cell if the endoplasmic was removed?

Without the Endoplasmic Reticulum, the cell would die because proteins necessary for basic functions wouldn't get produced nor distributed. Non of the organelles in the cell would be able to function.

What is the job of the cytoplasm a plant cell?

to turn water and carbon die oxide into glucose and oxygen

Why is the cytoplasm important to an animal cell?

It is within the cytoplasm that most cellular activities occur, such as many metabolic pathways including Glycolysis, and processes such as cell division. cytoplasm is a part of the cell that holds the other organelles of the cell together.

What will happen to a cell if its nucleus is removed?

Since the nucleus is known as "the brain of the cell", if it were removed, the cell would die almost instantly. The nucleus controls all of the cell organelles, whether it be the mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, cytoplasms, or even the nucleolus. So if the nucleus was removed, since it controls all of the organelles, the cell would die and so would the organism it is controlling.

Is cytoplasm important in a cell?

The cytoplasm is the substance carrier within the cell. Cytoplasmic streaming (the moving around of stuff flowingly basically) ensures that organelles are constantly provided with their requirements. This Cytoplasmic streaming also removes the wastes or products they are producing. The cytoplasm is made up mainly of the inorganic molecule water (H2O) in which other molecules are either dissolved or suspended (particles all dispersed throughout the cytoplasm or dissolved.) Your cells are approximately 80% water. Cells will die if they drop below a certain percentage of water. So basically, you need it in cells because without out it there'd be no water suspended and your cell would die as it is 80% water, so that'd be a slight problem. Also all the organelles wouldn't be very happy as they wouldn't get their requirements or have wastes removed as there would be no medium for all this to happen in. So yes that is why cytoplasm is important! J J hope that helped.