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They sort of did. Charlemagne was beatified by a bishop of his own court, which is a little suspect, but the beatification was later confirmed by Pope Benedict XIV. He was later canonized by Paschal III, but since Paschal was an Antipope (a claimant to the papal throne not officially recognized as Pope by the Roman Catholic Church), when the church later nullified all of Paschal's ordinances Charlemagne's sainthood went with them. (It's also regarded as likely that Paschal canonized Charlemagne more to curry the favor of Frederick Barbarossa than because he legitimately considered him to be a saint.)

The church still regards Charlemagne as a sort of "under-saint," conferring upon him the honorific of "Blessed", so it's not like they think he was a demon in human form or something, they just don't consider him to have met the criteria required for being canonized.

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Q: Why would the church not recognize Charlemagne sainthood?
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