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Q: Why would the first state and second estate support Louis xvi who was an absolute monarch ruling by divine right?
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Related questions

How does an absolute monarchy absolutism operate?

it is a girl who carry the 1st and 2nd estate on there back to places.

What is the highest estate of absolute right in real estate is called?

Fee Simple

How does an absolute monarchy operate?

it is a girl who carry the 1st and 2nd estate on there back to places.

Can beneficiary receive financial support from estate before death of testator?

There is no estate until the testator has died. Only after death does the estate exist and at that point, it may be possible to get some support help, depending on the will and the laws.

Where would you find references to the deceased's child support and spousal support laws?

For child support and spousal support, once the individual dies, the estate is no longer responsible for any continuing payments. However, if there are arrears, then the estate would be responsible. The party owed the arrears should file a claim against the estate in probate court.

Does a life estate override a fee simple absolute deed?

Yes. If property is subject to a life estate and then it's conveyed by deed, the property remains subject to the life estate until the life tenant dies or releases their life estate in writing.

Can a mother get child support that is outstanding from fathers estate?


How did the purpose of the meeting of the Estates-General in 1789 change?

It was called to deal with Economics and was converted by the Third Estate as a call for an end to the absolute Monarchy and a call for representation in the government.

Can unemployed beneficiary receive financial support from estate before death of testator deemed incompetent?

No, they have no rights in the property. The estate does not exist if the testator is still living and the assets may be needed for their support.

Do you have to pay back child support if the kids are grown and the ex wife is dead?

If your children are no longer minors then you don't have to pay child support. However, if a written document was set-up previously that you also pay support for a college education then you have to fulfill this obligation. If you ex-wife left you in her Will (doubtful) she should have stipulations as to what the children will receive from the Estate and this too is an obligation and carried out by an Executor (male), Executrix (female.) The back child support is owed to the estate of the ex wife. She funded the children without that support, robbing them ofmoney that should have been in the estate. If I were the attorney representing her estate or the beneficiaries of that estate, I'd be knocking on your door with a court order!

Can back child support be paid out of deceased estate?

Yes, if it is court ordered support. All debts must be paid out of the estate before any distributions are made.

What are the essential features of freehold estate in fee simple?

The essential features of an estate in fee simple are that you can transfer the property by deed during your life and leave it to your heirs after your death. It is absolute ownership.