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The world would be no better off without guns, just people who use them and do not take the privilege seriously and hurt someone who leave it unlocked. There are so many weapons besides guns…knives that cause just as horrific results. The world would be better off if it just lived in Peace with one another and learned Maslows hierarchy of needs instead of all the religious dogma that appears to only work on Sundays.

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A lot better off. And a lot more peaceful and safe.

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Q: Why would the world be better off without guns?
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Is a world without guns better?

It depends on what you mean by "better." There is no evidence that indicates crime would go down if guns were banned. People were killing, crippling, and robbing each other LONG before guns existed.

How would the world be different without guns?

People would simply stab each other with swords and use other various devices to kill and maim each other instead like they did before guns were invented.

What effect did guns have in world war 2?

Please explain your question better, there are many different types of "guns" that were involved in world war two.

What is something about guns?

Guns have dramatically effected the effectiveness and outcomes of wars since they have been invented without guns we would not win wars

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What jobs would women in world war 1 have had to do?

Women did not have much affect on the war, but the ones who did worked in factories making the ammunition. Without them there would be nothing for the soldiers to fire in their guns.

How many people were killed by guns in the entire world?

Impossible to answer without a time frame.

Who would win in a war between Poland and Spain?

Spain . Because they have better guns.

Are 15 bb guns good?

They would be better than 14 BB gun.

How many people get shot with house guns each year?

The "better" question would be "how many murders, rapes, and robberies are prevented by home guns ?"

Are machine guns better than Gatling guns or Gatling guns better than machine guns?

Yes, machine guns are better than Gatling guns because they fire more bullets faster than Gatling guns. Gatling guns need to have bullets and have to be hand cranked at the same time but machine guns does not need to be hand cranked. Machine guns only need bullets.

Were there guns in 1965?

Firearms were first created over 1000 years ago- that would have been AROUND the year 1014. Let's think about this for a minute. The settlers at Jamestown VA (1607) had guns. The American Revolution (1776) had guns. The American Civil War (1861) had guns. World War I and World War 2 (1917 and 1941) had guns. So there would certainly have been guns in 1965.