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Q: Why would you die without two kidneys?
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What structure in the urinary system is most important?

two kidneys, two ureters, bladder, urethra

Humans are born with how many kidneys in there body?

Human body has two kidneys

Does Liam Payne have two kidneys?

He did not always have two kidneys because one was not functioning when he was born, but yes. Now he has two kidneys(:

Why would a fish die from nowhere?

No fish, nor any organism, dies for no reason. Even if they die from "old age" it is usually due to failure of a vital organ like the heart or kidneys. Without knowing any recent symptoms, I cannot say what would have killed a fish that died seemingly "from nowhere." If you had owned him for at least two or three years, though, it may have simply been his time.

Why would someone have differences in the size of their kidneys?

Kidneys are naturally different sizes. The right kidney is usually the biggest of the two. Kidneys are a filtering system that helps eliminate waste and control the water levels.

What would happen if you didn't have a kidney?

You need at least one of the two kidneys which most people have. Kidney(s) "filter" the blood. Poisons build up in the blood without a kidney or a mechanical substitute.

How many liver and kidneys does a tiger has?

one liver and two kidneys

How many kidneys does the human body have?

There are two kidneys in human body. I

Are lungs kidneys?

No, lungs and kidneys are two completely different organs.

What response would you expect after traveling to high altitude for two weeks?

The kidneys would secrete elevated amounts of erythropoietin.

Do you need two kidneys?

A person can live with only one functioning kidney if the other is diseased or has been removed. But no one can live without both kidneys, unless he undergoes almost daily treatments on a special machine called a dialysis machine. This machine is attached to the body, and cleans the blood and removes the wastes, two of the jobs that the kidneys usually do.

How many kidneys does a cat have?

Like humans, cats have two (2) kidneys.