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you`d expect more caterpillars than foxes because caterpillars are pregnant less and give birth earlier than foxes

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Q: Why would you expect there to be fewer foxes than caterpillars in this ecosystem?
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Do young foxes eat caterpillars?

yes :))

Which would you expect to have the greatest biomass a population of rabbits or a population of foxes living in the same ecosystem?

a Population of rabbits because they're primary consumers and they contain more energy.

What kind of ecosystems do the fennec foxes live in?

The fennec foxes live in a desert ecosystem in the Sahara of northern Africa.

What will help balance an ecosystem with a lot of rabbits?

Predators of rabbits, to keep the ecosystem in balance. For example, foxes and snakes

What happens when foxes and snakes in the same ecosystem?

A Healthy ego system.

Which would you expect to have the greatest biomass a population of rabbits or a population of foxes living the same ecosystem?

A population of rabbits would likely have the greatest biomass compared to a population of foxes in the same ecosystem. Typically, herbivores like rabbits have higher biomass as they can efficiently convert plant matter into their own body tissues, while carnivores like foxes would have lower biomass as they need to expend energy to chase, catch, and digest their prey.

What happens when foxes and snakes live in the same ecosystem when kangaroos become extinct?

Kangaroos are in no danger of becoming extinct.

what role doesa polar bear play in the arctic ecosystem?

polar bears are predatorial creatures. they hunt foxes, fish, seals, and penguins

Why are there fewer hawks and foxes than mice in energy pyramid?

Mice reproduce alot faster than fox and hawks, so they have a higher population.

Are Arctic foxes a threat to humans?

In the Ecosystem many animals are a threat to others. However, the Arctic foxes are not a threat to human beings.

What lives in the same ecosystem as a Yellow-footed rock wallaby?

there are many Introduced species that share the ecosystem, such as foxes, goats and feral cats. Wedge tailed eagles sometimes eat the Y.F.R. Wallabies so they must share the same ecosystem. You could try finding out what lives in Rock Scree habitats.

Why do foxes live in an ecosystem comprised of grass?

A fox needs to be in an grass area because he needs a shelter to survive. He also needs rabbits to feed on to survive.