

Best Answer

If your blood is too heavy.Use asperin medicine that is blood thinner and save that medicine is Acid.acetylsalic

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Q: Why would you have an INR test if you do not take blood thinners?
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Can You test urine and stool for warfarin?

Warfarin is a medication in the class of anticoagulants or blood thinners. Warfarin levels are checked through the blood and can not be adequately determined in the urine or stool.

Why would a doctor take a blood test to determine pregnancy?

They take a blood test so they can see what your hcg levels are. Your levels get higher the farther along you are. A blood test can determine pregnancy alot sooner than a urine test and is also more accurate.

What can I take to thicken my blood?

Drinking more water will thin the blood to a degree. If you feel there is a real problem, you should head in and get a quick test from your doctor. If there is a serious issue with the "thickness" of the blood, there are several things your doctor can do for you. One common measure taken is to put the patient on blood thinners. These are administered through close medical supervision. They can be in pill or IV form depending on he seriousness of the problem.

What is the test for blood type?

Blood tests are usually done before getting a blood transfusion. The test is called the ABO test and you need to take some blood to take it. You can buy a $10.00 test kit online.

Can you take a blood test to be an organ donar?

Yes I would be able to submit to a blood test now. I have no existing conditions that would prohibit any testing to see if I am a possible match to be an organ donor. I do not know my blood type or blood group either.

have to take a blood test for blood sugar hemoglobian a1c is there anything i can do to lower temporary prior to test?


Can a police officer take you to walmart to take a blood test for a DUI?

yes. a blood test is also more accurate than a breath test.

Do surgeon do blood test themselves?

Most blood tests are taken by a Nurse and analysed in a Lab, a Surgeon may refer to the results but would rarely take the test sample.

If you smoked nine days ago and you take a blood test would you be clean?

No sir-eyy

Can i take a blood test instead of a urine test for a job i just don't feel comfortable taking urine test and i dont do drugs at all?

I would think that they would have to comply with this, as even when arrested for DUI you get the choice of blood test or urine test if they believe you have drug in your system or affecting you.

Where would someone go to take a PSA blood test?

THe best place someone can go to get a PSA blood test is as their physician. In order to get a PSA blood test, the physician would typically recommend it based on certain symptoms.

Should I take a blood test for pregnancy testing?

Yes you should take a blood test. It is more accurate & can be taken sooner than a urine test.