

Why would you pick a gorilla?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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well lets say i would CAUSE they are cute and furry

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Q: Why would you pick a gorilla?
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The gorilla would probably win, but it woud be a great fight! The gorilla is far stroger tha a chimp, but they can both pick up logs, banches,boulders, and use them as weapons. The chimp is a lot more agile though...

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Lion. Lions are predators, gorillas are not, thus a lion, which has more weaponry than a gorilla, would be able to easily win in a fight with a gorilla.Another answer:The silver-back would win because its far more intelligent and stronger than the lion and it would probably pick up a log and use it as a weapon. A gorilla can do whatever when attacked by a lion, and it can do anything to just maul the lion by throwing stones and pounding its fists.A lion can beat an unarmed Gorilla. If the Gorilla is armed with a stick or a log then the lion would have to run.

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The scientific or taxonomic name would be Gorilla gorilla.

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Definitely the gorilla. A dog, no matter the size, is no match against a gorilla.

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The scientific name for the mountain gorilla is Gorilla beringei beringei. It belongs to the family Hominidae, which includes great apes like gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, and humans.