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She may have a skin condition, or a rash or some kind. You should take her to the vet.

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Q: Why would your cat keep scratching herself when she has no fleas digging up by her head?
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Fleas! Or an ear infection, if it's in the inner ear.

What does it mean when your dog is scratching?

Reasons why your dog is scratching itself would be because it might have fleas, allergies, walking dandruff, skin infections, ticks and lice, fungal infections or seborrhea.

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This would be recorded under external exam - skin conditions.

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Maybe your cat has fleas. I would go see a vet.

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A proper diagnosis would best be made by a Veterinarian.

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from scratching it

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no beaver fleas are not in mountain dew if they where i would tell you! :)

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Yes, it is possible for your dog to contract the plague (Yersinia pestis) from fleas on the prairie dogs. Depending upon the soil the prairie dogs have been digging through, anthrax would be another concern.

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The Chinese would be digging to the US. Actually we would all be digging to the center of the earth.

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rats caried fleas and the fleas would make you sick

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yes u can, but why do you even have turtles? and what would fleas do to a turtle

How do fleas survive in an abondoned house?

they can't because the fleas would go under the door anyway