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It's when it falls out and falls in your eye.

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Q: Why would your eyelashes stick in your eyes?
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Is it bad if some of your eyelashes come off when You rub my eyes?

Yes. If I am rubbing your eyes, it would be normal for a few of your eyelashes to fall off, but if my eyelashes started falling off because I was rubbing someone else's eyes I would worry.

What protects someones eye?

The eyelashes are what protects the eyes from dirt and debris that may get into them.

Why do humans have eyelashes?

eyelashes protect the eyes by not allowing any foreign particle to enter into it eyelashes protect the eyes by not allowing any foreign particle to enter into it

What is the difference between 'eyelashes' and 'eyelids'?

eyelashes are the "hair" protruding out where your eyes are....the eyelids are the skin that folds over your eyes.

Does Jordan wear false eyelashes?

Yes she has had so many false eyelashes she has none of her own eyelashes left. She has to stick the false eyelashes to her skin!

Can journey girl dolls get wet?

i would think yes they are like american girl dolls body so yeah thier eyes can but their eyelashes will come off i would suggest no their eyes should NOT get wet you can if you want to ruin their eyelashes

Are eyelashes a body defence?

Yes, they are. Eyelashes protect your eyes from dust and debris.

What do eyelashes do for you?

They catch dust and serve as dushcatchers for your eyes. without them stuff would always get into your eyes, not to mention you'd look weird

What features on the camel's face would protect it during a sandstorm?

their eyelashes keep sand out of their eyes

Why are their no eyelashes in old paintings?

There is a saying 'The eyes are the mirror of the soul'. By omitting eyelashes the artists wanted to make eyes clearer and more prominent.

What part of your eyes are dust catchers?

Your eyelashes

How do your eyelashes help you?

They protect you eyes from dust.