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You could be pregnant

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Q: Why would your period be two weeks late when you've been having some cramps and experiencing PMS symptoms for five days?
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What if you aren't experiencing your usual cramps the day before a period?

idk you experience very symptoms like IDKJ

Is being nauseas and having cramps and enlarged breasts symptoms of a period?

The cramps and enlarged breasts are signs of period, but with nausea it is more a sign of pregnancy

Are cramps a pregnecy or period symptoms?

They can be either

Can it happen where you got your period but you did not get the cramps and the side affects?

Menstrual cramps are NOT a normal part of healthy menstruation - as for 'side-effects' different people can experience different things, but negative symptoms are preventable. It's normal to menstruate without experiencing menstrual cramps, it's abnormal to experience menstrual cramps.

Is it OK to do exercise when you have PMS?

It is perfectly fine & healthy to exercise while experiencing PMS-pre-menstrual symptoms- as well as throughout your period, and exercising may actually help with cramps!

What does it mean when you are having cramps like you are getting ready to start your period but you haven't started yet and your also having pregnancy symptoms?

take a urine test joymaker rn

Frequent urination gas and mild cramps 4 day late period pregnant?

I am experiencing the exact same thing! I am 2 days late for my period now, having mild cramps every now and then, having to go the washroom frequently I usually dont feel the need to go that often, also quite gassy and hungry.

What type of cramps are you having when you just got off your period at least 3 days ago?

Normal period cramps

What is the difference between incubation period and window period?

The incubation period is the time between catching a "germ" and experiencing signs and symptoms of disease. The window period refers to testing, not symptoms. It's the time between catching a "germ" and having a test for that germ come up positive.

Im on the IUD but Ive been havin symptoms Tue I started gettin cramps and I thought maybe my period was comin but all I did was spot i took a pregnancy test on Fri and it came out negative?

Being on an IUD and getting symptoms such as cramps and spotting is not your period, nor is it likely a pregnancy. These are common side effects of having an IUD.

If you are a virgin but your period is very heavy and are experiencing bad cramps and dizziness?

As long as you have not had intercourse, with anyone , and even if you have heavy heavy, and you have cramps and dizziness , are not signs of pregnancy.

Can you be pregnant if your having cramps after period?

If you have a normal period with normal flow you are not pregnant