

Why wouldn't you be able to hear a sound in outer space?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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7y ago

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sound doesn't work a vacuum

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Q: Why wouldn't you be able to hear a sound in outer space?
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Why are we unable to hear sound in outer space?

There is no sound in outer space because space is a vacuum. Sound needs matter to travel through and vibrate in order for us to hear it. Air vibrates in our ears to make us hear sound. Since space has no air we wouldn't be able to hear anything.

Suppose you and your friend are on moon will you be able to hear any sound produced by your friend?

no you will not be able to hear that sound cause there is a vacuum on the moon as its outer space and sound needs a matter to travel

Why is sound not able to travel in a vacuum?

Sound being a longitudinal mechanical wave needs a medium to propagate. In a vacuum (like the outer space), there is no matter to act as the medium and thus sound waves can not propagate.

Is Sound is able to travel in a vacuum?

Sound being a longitudinal mechanical wave needs a medium to propagate. In a vacuum (like the outer space), there is no matter to act as the medium and thus sound waves can not propagate.

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Sound cannot travel in empty space. But, sound may be able to travel through your body.

Which gases does sound travel through?

Sound can travel as long as there is something for it to travel through. This could be a gas (such as air), a liquid (such as water) or a solid (such as a metal). In outer space there is no air for the sound to travel though, so astronauts can not talk with each other unless they use a radio. Radio waves and light waves can travel through space, that is why we are able to receive light from the sun. Source:

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i really don't know actually to be honest