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Q: Why writing was so important for jack gantos?
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So people understand your hand writing.

Why is prewriting important in the writing process?

The reason that prewriting is so important in the writing process is so you can think about multiple ideas. Then you can decide on the best one.

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Jacks weapon is so important for Ralph will take the weapon in attempt to use it against Jack.

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children were important to him because he is so knid and he loves writing poems so that is why childen are important

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because i say so

Why did Jack London start writing?

Jack London started writing because he had a passion for storytelling and a desire to explore the human condition. He also needed to support himself financially, and saw writing as a way to do so. Additionally, London found writing to be a way to express his social and political views.

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so that they can make jack-o-lanterns out of them

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so the muscles in our hands get stronger and to talk to def

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Writing an essay about why science is important will teaching you why it is important. You will learn how to actually use science in your life.

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Synonyms are important so that you do not keep using the same words over and over again.

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It is important skill because you need it so then you can get into a great collage.

Why was the fountain pen so important?

It's more efficient than writing with a quill.