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Hello, i have googled this specific question with the intention of answering all the queries that exist on the web with regards to this question because i myself had been suffering this for the last 4 months and it made me feel really sick, uneasy and tired and i hated the feeling of having to always keep myself in cool places and have to have three baths a day to just feel normal.

I finally found the cure in an unlikely place. I have always had a little feeling of sickness when in warm places since a young age, but it got really bad 4 months back and every normal doctor i went to did all medical checks but all parameters such as blood pressure, temperature, and blood test etc were normal but i still was feeling heat, since i am in India somebody suggested i visit an ayurvedic doctor(ayurvedic doctors are doctors who prescribe medicines and treatments according to an ancient indian text called the ayurveda

So i made the trip to a well known ayurvedic doctor at the rejuvenation center at an ashram called isha in coimbatore, tamil nadu, india and the doctor there just felt my wrist and started her diagnosis, and without me even telling her the symptoms she said everything is normal but there is a lot of heat trapped in your system and she said it is not a very rare problem, she said that no mainstream medicine doctor has been able to diagnose it till date cause there is no such thing as body heat in allopathic(mainstream) medicine there is only temperature, she said in ayurveda it's called ushna(heat) and she said no need to go into the cause of it just have these ayurvedic medicines and i have been having them for three days now and i can feel the heat slowly leaving my system, i am suppose to take the medicines for 40 days but just today being the third day i am already feelin 60% better and ease has returned to the whole body and she also gave me some medicines to repair the minor damage to the system from this heat, so i would like to suggest to anybody who is having this problem that if no doctor is able to help then please no matter what country you are in please look for a good ayurvedic or siddha( doctor, nowadays they are all over the world and if there isn't one in your country then do make the trip to india and i highly recommend the one i went to, even if it is expensive to make the trip it is better to spend that then live with the problem for the rest of your life or contact them at they might be able to ship the medicines if you are in a different country.

hope you'll all get okay soon cause i have been through the frustrating experience of going to many mainstream doctors and not finding a solution till this happened and i feel like a real fool for doubting that any alternative medicine science could actually have something very simple but powerful in it.

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Q: Why you have internal body heat but no fever?
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Is a fever helpful or harmful to your body?

A fever heats up your internal temperature to kill of virus' in your body so it is good.

What is the Treatment of internal body fever?

just take a icecold bath this will help to get fever out after that you know what to do

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It is because of your immune system. It's not every time when you are sick you will have fever and sometimes the reason is because of the heat in your body. You will have heat in your body is because you feel hot.

What is the Perspiration fluid loss with having fever?

When you have a fever, the temperature of your entire body is raised. Perspiration(sweating) is your body's natural reaction to heat, because moisture evaporating from your body allows heat to leave.

What causes excessive internal body heat?

About 40% of the energy our bodies consume is used to perform work. The other 60% is lost as heat. In other words, the cause of our internal heat comes from metabolic energy that is lost to us.

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Yellow fever virus attacks the blood and spreads to almost every internal organ you have.

Does a body contain certain amount of heat?

Yes, a body contains a certain amount of internal heat due to its temperature. This internal heat is produced by the body's metabolism and can vary depending on factors such as physical activity and environmental conditions.

What do you call it when someone gets overheated?

Working or exercising in hot conditions can cause 'heat exhaustion', which can progress to 'heat stroke'. 'Hyperthermia' is the condition of too much heat in the body. It may come from external sources or from internal medical conditions that cause the body temperature to rise in a fever. The opposite condition, a dangerously low body temperature, is known as 'hypothermia'.

What causes internal fever?

One cause of internal fever is seasonal allergies. Also, a cold or the flu and autoimmune disorders can cause an internal fever.

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Your body temperature goes up because 70 percent of your energy that power your muscles is lost in heat, which causes your body temperature to rise.

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Fever is the condition in which your body temperature is higher than usual. In general, if your body temperature exceeds 37.6 degree celcius, you have a fever.

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