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because if you do not respect a child as an individual, it may grow to be less independent than it should be and will not respect you as an individual either

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Q: Why you must respect children as in individuals?
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Why you must you respect children as individuals?

because if you do not respect a child as an individual, it may grow to be less independent than it should be and will not respect you as an individual either

How can we give respect to children?

Respect is not for adults and superiors only, children also deserve to be respected by means of giving them their rights and privileges. Give them the chance to enjoy their youth and learn from their mistakes. And mature as a grown up individuals.

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There is no known information or indication that there is anything wrong with Jim Cantore's children. It's important to respect the privacy of individuals and their families.

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For your information, a Muslim man can marry a Christian woman so he must respect her for sure or how will he let her be the mother of his children? Due to the Islamic teachings,Muslims must respect all people regardless of their belief.

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Respect for the individuals is usually demonstrated through honor, attitude, esteem and administration.

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Respect is earned, not enforced. Maybe you should ask yourself, "What must I do to "earn" the respect of my son?"

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I don't have access to personal information or photographs of individuals, including Thomas Gibson or his children. It's important to respect the privacy of public figures and their families.

How do Chinese people show their family relationship?

They show it by doing things for the children. They always remind the children of what they did for the children. Children must respect parents for that reason of how much was done for their comfort.

How do you get your children to respect you?

If you set a good personal example with you own behavior, and respect them then your children may respect you.

What is the responsibility children have respect obey and care for their parents?

Although children often do obey, care for and respect their parents there in no responsibility or requirement for them to do so. This is an earned response from children to parents who care for and respect their children.

What is esteemed children?

Children who command respect .

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Provide examples of how you encourage children to respect differences?