

Why should you not kill animals?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Why you should or should not kill anything is a subjective question. Is it OK to kill a human? The answer is not yes or NO but what are the circumstances? If you want to know if its OK to kill a person for fun, the answer is NO, if you want to know if it's OK to kill a person who is about to kill or rape you or someone else and you can stop them by taking their life then the answer is YES.

The same applies to any animal. If its in self defense then absolutely yes. If the animal is in pain and you can end its suffering the answer is yes. If its to just bring pain to the animal for your pleasure then the answer is NO and you are a sick person who needs help. Empathy for other living things with in reason makes us human. I have no empathy for a mosquito and its a living thing and if I kill them on mass with pesticides I do not feel any loss.

On the other hand if I kill a litter of kittens because I don't want to try to adopt them out I am at the very least callous to animal life.

Hunting is one area I used to be involved with as a younger person and it did not bother me, as I grow older it now brings no pleasure to shoot an animal for food.

I know that there is a death for every chicken I eat at some slaughter house and I have given up red meat more for health than that it took the death of an animal to bring it to me. Animals are not human and are not on par with humans, although some humans should be put to death if they are the likes of Manson or Bundy and Dhamer, but that is another argument[death penalty, of which I am for in extreme cases where there is no doubt at all and the crime is horrific]

The question should be why should humans have empathy for animals? Because it makes us better people. If we care for the plight of an animal that is not to the level of human, we should care and have empathy for our fellow humans. If not then well we may as well be Republican.

How would you like being bullied and got shot by a gun?Life is life and there's no excuse for it

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because it is mean!

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