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Imma go with a yeah, it'll blow a dinner plate hole slap through a human at 10 yards, pretty sure a bear wouldnt be to much differnt just might not go all the way through there fat. Also depends where u shoot it and if you hit any vital organs. But then again there is the real queston. Do you really want to be 10 yards from a angry grizzley bear hoping your gun doesn't jam and u got time to shoot it, because a bear kills a human at close range 100% of the time.

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Q: Will 00 buckshot kill a big bear at close range?
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In THEORY, any bullet MAY kill a bear. However, I would look for a firearm in the power range of a .308 at a minimum- 30-06 or .300 Win Mag would be better. A shotgun loaded with slugs (12g) would also be a good choice at close range. Handguns would start at .44 magnum, and go up.

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45 dmg close range 30 dmg long range 3 bullets to kill close range 4 bullets to kill long range 705 rpm 1.175 rps .17 sec to kill at close range .255 sec to kill at long range 1.9 sec reload 95% sprint time w/ ACR 6.8 on class unlock at level 50 That's a bit more than you asked for...

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About 1" past the muzzle.

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To kill people at close range instead of using a rifle:P

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Mainly it's the ballistic trajectory. With a shotgun, if you want to kill a deer, you will need either a slug, or buckshot. The slug (or combined weight of the buckshot) is heavier than a bullet from a rifle, and they move slightly slower, making their range more limited. Especially with buckshot. Also, there is no rifling on the barrel, so the projectile(s) from a shotgun are less stable. A rifle bullet goes faster and longer before becoming inaccurate.

Can you kill a bird with a 800fps bb gun?

It is likely. a close range headshot would do the trick.

Can a spider kill a bear?

Yes. A spider can kill a bear.

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No. A platypus cannot kill a bear. Not only would it not have the claws, teeth or size to kill a bear, but there are no bears in Australia.

What ammo can penetrate doors and may kill or wound occupants in the room?

buckshot and rifled slugs can over penetrate doors and may kill or wound occupants in the room

Can an arrow kill a bear?

Of course it can, if it hits the right area of the bear to kill it.

How many dogs would it take to kill a bear?

It will take 20 small dogs to kill a bear, and 5 large dogs to kill a bear.