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No one will not get fat from a protein diet based on strictly protein. But eating too much food high in protein will get one fat because of the calories.

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Q: Will I get fat from the protein diet?
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What happenes if you have too much protein in your diet?

you get FAT

When do you have a balanced diet?

when we have a diet that has fat,protein,vitamins,dietary fiber,minerals etc.

What does it mean to crave cheeseburgers?

You are missing fat and protein in your diet.

What is a low-carb high-protein diet?

A low carb, high fat diet (LCHF) is a diet based on a high intake of fat and a low intake of carbohydrates.Common foods are:ButterCreamCheeseOilNutsBroccoliCauliflowerRed meatFishChickenHigh fat yogurtBaconCreme fraicheMayonnaiseEggs

Where online can I find out about protein diet fat loss?

If you go to a search engine and type in the terms "protein diet fat loss" you will find a lot of websites in the search results that will provide information about the subject.

What are some benefits of a low protein diet?

Low protein diet will help one to burn fat faster. Also it is considered that low protein diet will help to protect one against certain types of cancer.

What is a protein diet and what does it do?

A protein diet is one which concentrates on protein rather than carbohydrates and fats. High protein diets are often used for weight loss as they tend to burn more fat. A good diet should include all the food groups.

What does milk meat and egg provide in our diet?

A source of protein, calcium and fat.

Why are you craving protein?

If you have been exercising, your body requires protein to rebuild muscle. Muscle is torn down (or shredded) during exercise. Also, some people crave protein when they actually need more fat in the diet. A low-fat diet is bad for your health. Fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamin A and Vitamin D need fat tp be metabolzied. Try incorporating peanut butter, nuts, avocados, and olive oil into your diet if adding protein doesn't help.

What diet did Melissa Peterman follow to lose all that weight was it a low carb diet?

Melissa did follow a high protein diet with light carbs, fat and protein. She also hired a personal trainer.

What is a fat flush diet?

The fat flush diet is a low carbohydrate, high protein diet. It also involves taking some fiber and fatty acid supplements. It is designed to cleanse and detoxify your body, in other words, to 'flush fat'.

Trade name for high fat high protein eating plan?

Atkins Diet