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Obviously we don't know for sure but we believe that when he comes back he will come back majestically on judgement day, that he will "Come with the clouds" Revelation 1:7 and that is when we will al be judged. If you really want to explore this you need to read the last book of The Bible, Revelation which has some pretty cool stuff in it :-)

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Q: Will Jesus live on earth when he return?
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There are no reliable source that supports an exact day of Jesus' return.

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I assume you mean return, and by that you mean, When did Jesus return to earth after his Ascension. The answer is, he hasn't yet. Jesus will come back in the last days of the Earth, and when he comes, you won't be able to miss it (see Revelation 19:11-16) If you mean, what day did Jesus return after his death, he rose 3 days after his crucifixion which was a Sunday.

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Jesus will return to this earth and his return will herald the approach of the final countdown to the Day of Judgement.As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man [Matthew 24:37]

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The number period 66,666 yrs I believe is just an estimate. Only GOD knows when "JESUS" will return to Earth.

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The second coming of Jesus is often referred to as the "Second Coming" or the "Return of Christ" in Christian theology. This event is believed to be when Jesus will return to Earth in glory to fulfill the rest of the prophecies about him.

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Jesus lists the events that must happen first before he can return. After those have been fulfilled, then He will return. You can find these events in the book of Matthew in the New Testament.

When is jesus returnin to earth?

The bible says nobody knows the time or day when Jesus will return, mot even Jesus knows the day or time. Only God knows it.

Why are you sent to the Earth?

You are sent to earth so that you can gain a body and be tested in this life. Jesus Christ died for you so that you can return and live with Heavenly Father again someday. Christ made it possible that when you make mistakes in this life, you are able to repent and be forgiven so that you can live in the celestial kingdom with him again.

Why would Jesus leave?

Jesus would leave to return to his Father. Why? That's where he was originally created to live see John 1 vs 1. Jesus was only sent on this temporary mission to earth to accomplish a specific purpose; then he would return from whence he came from - the heavenly realm. Many believe Jesus has many missions. The one on earth lasted only 33 years. Some believe he has another mission which will last approx 1 thousand years based on bible texts in the book of Revelation.

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How can we prepare ourselves for Jesus's birth?

Jesus was already born so we are just waiting for him to return to earth that doesn't necessarily mean that he will be born again.

Will there be healing just before jesus' return?

Jesus' return will come without warning. Healing has nothing to do with Jesus' return.