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It will be absorbed from the air into your lungs. Then when it reachs the alveolus it will diffuse from the alveolus into the blood capillaries down an oxygen concentration through diffusion where it will combine with the heamoglobin in the Red Blood Cells.

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Q: Will O2 diffuse from air to blood or from blood to the alveolar air?
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What is the function of the air space?

The function is to allow CO2 and O2 to diffuse to and from all cells.

What THE FUNCTION OF air space in PLANT?

The function is to allow CO2 and O2 to diffuse to and from all cells.

How do the structures of alveoli and capillaries support the function of gas exchange?

Exchange of gases in alveoli takes place through diffusion. This diffusion takes place to partial pressure differences among the gases O2 and CO2. The partial pressure of O2in alveolar sac = 103 mm Hg The partial pressure of O2 in blood = 50mm Hg The partial pressure of CO2 in alveolar sac = 28 mm Hg The partial pressure of CO2 in blood = 45 mm Hg As a result, the O2 from alveolar sacs diffuses into blood. the CO2 diffuses from blood into lungs.

Which way would O2 and CO2 diffuse during internal respiration?

O2 would diffuse into the cells, and CO2 would diffuse into the systemic capillaries.

Which gas diffuses faster SO3 or O2?

Oxygen diffuse faster.

What things diffuse out of cells?

diffussion of oxyzen means dissociation curve .oxyzen diffussion depends on concentration of corbon dioxide concentration and bmr .if corbon dioxide concentration is increased the diffussion is also increased. if bmr is also high the diffussion of oxyzen in blood is also increase

How are the concentration gradients in the alveoli maintained?

The heart is constantly pumping blood around the body. blood entering the lungs is deoxygenated and high in C02 The air in the alveoli has a high oxygen concentration and in comparison is low in C02 This sets up a concentration gradient. This causes oxygen to diffuse into the RBC and C02 to diffuse out in order to try balance the concentration. This balance is maintained by breathing, taking away the C02 in the lungs and bringing in fresh O2 and the constant pumping of blood, bringing more deoxygeneate blood into the lungs

System that exchanges o2 and co2 between blood and air?

The body system that exchanges o2 and co2 between blood and air is called the respiratory system. It is composed of the nose, windpipe, and lungs. It;s in the lungs that the exchange takes place.

Why is there tiny veins in air sacs?

The thin walls of the blood vessels are capillaries around the alveolar sacs that permit diffusion of gases in every single red blood cell with oxygen inhaled ... they are thinner to improve the pressure gradient to allow more O2 in the capillaries, because the pulmonary capillaries have the lowest blood pressure in the body (normally)

What substance will diffuse through a membrane?

The three substances that can diffuse through a cell membrane are CO2, O2, AND H2O.

If it takes helium gas (He) 5 seconds to diffuse from a container how long will it take oxygen gas (O2) to diffuse from the same container?


Why is the alveolus important to the breathing system of humans?

Alveoli in the lungs are important because they help with the transportation of oxygen to the blood. They are also called the pulmonary alveoli.