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No matter how good the intentions of the president are (and this applies to all presidents), what they say they want to do and what they are actually able to do are two very different things. When campaigning, candidate Obama made a number of promises (as all candidates do), but once he gets to Washington, he has to work with congress, and if history is any guide, many of his priorities will not get passed, or will be watered down. Thus, it is unlikely President Obama will keep all of his campaign promises.

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Q: Will Obama keep ALL his promises?
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did Obama keep his promises?


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Sometimes the necessity of the office makes you realize that you can not keep all of the promises that you made while campaigning... Nothing new there. Generally all politicians make way too many promises. If you are looking for specific promises he broke by him there are many, they all do it. Hold them to it when they run again! When I vote I look to past performance and don't listen to promises.

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No. He didn't keep his promises.

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yes, why yes he is. many of them

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Nothing. He is a politician, he won't keep any promises except the agenda he wishes to impose on this country.

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No one ever mentioned or promised unicorns.