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Q: Will Pennsylvania extradite on a driving under the influence misdemeanor violation when you're in jail in Florida on a probation violation and how long will that take?
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Will Illinois extradite you for a misdemeanor probation violation?


Will Maryland extradite from California for misdemeanor violation of probation?

I seriously doubt they will if it is a misdemeanor, MD doesn't extradite for felony theft and alot of other felony charges so chances are no. Exception to the rule, they will extradite in a surrounding state like PA.

Will Colorado extradite you from Florida for a felony 4 possession charge a drug misdemeanor probation and strong arm robbery?

Yes, Colorado will extradite for felonies, and especially for violent crimes.

Will Hawaii extradite back to Iowa for a aggervated misdemeanor a theft 3rd probation violation?

Yes. And you are likely to pick up the cost of transportation.

Will Arkansas extradite for probation violation in Texas?

Will Arkansas extradite for probation violation from Galveston Tx

If returned to Or. after fleeing on misdemeanor probation there still would be an outstanding warrant always correct?

Oregon does not extradite unless its a felony nand sometimes they dont do it then.

Does Indiana extradite misdemeanor probation violations?

Any state can extradite for any reason at anytime. With that being said Indiana usually will not extradite for misdemeanor probation violation.

Does Florida extradite for violation of probation for misdemeanors such as driving under the influence?

Generally, Misdemeanor warrants are not extraditable outside the state, the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), states that only Felony warrants, or severe misdemeanor warrants, are entered into this system. i was extradited from wv to VA viginia for misdemeanor bad check. the warrent was in ncic. would a state farther away ignore this?

If you are on probation and get charged with a misdemeanor will you violate probation when you get charged or when you get convicted?

The court can file a violation of probation and revoke your probation, then issue a warrant for your arrest. Most states will extradite you for a misdemeanor anywhere within that state, but maybe not in another state. Then again, they might extradite you from another state.

Does NC extradite for misdemeanor charges?

To my knowledge there is no such thing as "Felony" or "Misdemeanor" probation violation. If you violate probation, you are in contempt of court, and have absconded from the imposition of a court ordered sentence, both of which can get you sent back to jail to serve your sentence for the conviction for which you were serving probation.

Will North Dakota extradite you from AZ on a probation violation warrant?

It may depend if the Probation Violation is a misdemeanor or felony. If it is a felony they can extradite, if it is a misdemeanor then they may not.However, where the law is concerned, never say "never!" All US states and territories honor each other's requests for extradition - there are no 'safe-haven' states - It is impossible to know with certainty whether a particular state will choose to extradite you for a particular offense, or not, there are simply too many variables. It may depend, in part, on the offense and the seriousness of it, and/or how badly they want you returned - most states WILL extradite for felony offenses and crimes of violence.

Will Alabama extradite you from California for a misdemeanor probation violation over marijuana possession?

Legally they probably can. As a practical matter (time/expense/trouble) they may choose not to do so on a minor offense.