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No, this is an internet myth, based on a manipulated (photoshopped) image. The president and first lady know which hand goes over their heart when saluting the flag, and there are many videos on line that show them saluting correctly.

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Yes, he always does.

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...I don't think so...

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Q: Did president Obama and wife put their left hands over their hearts during the Pledge of Allegiance?
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Did President Obama and his wife place their LEFT hands over their hearts for the pledge of allegiance?

No, they did not. This is an internet myth, which resulted from a picture that was intentionally altered, and the image reversed. The individuals responsible for this photo took the original, cropped the other people in the photo out, mirrored it so it would look backwards, and then photoshopped the wedding rings and buttons onto the photograph. Michelle Obama does NOT wear a solid gold band. Fact-checkers found the original photo and were able to demonstrate how it had been faked. The president and his wife are well aware of how to salute the flag, and there are many photos of them doing so. I enclose a link to one of the many websites that debunked this internet rumor.

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What would the Bible say about the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag?

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