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Q: Will RNA change if DNA changes?
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Where is DNA changes to RNA?

DNA changes to RNA when the nucleus is going through protein synthesis. in order for your ribosomes to make protein they must copy a portion of your DNA, change it into RNA then translate the RNA into amino acid sequences which come all together to make a protein ...

Where DNA changes to RNA?

Nucleus of the cell the DNA becomes mRNA

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Bacteria and viruses change the genotype of an organism through mutation. Mutations are heritable changes in DNA and RNA that changes the genes..

What represents the transfer RNA bases that correspond to DNA gene segment gccaatgct?

cgguuacga the t in DNA changes to u in rna

What is the function of transcription?

to change DNA into RNA

What nucleotide base in DNA is replaced by a base in RNA?

In DNA thymine is one of the nitrogen bases, but in RNA uracil replaces thymine still leaving four nitrogen bases

What are two types of nucleic acid found the cell?

Deoxy-ribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA)

What is the name of the nucleotides have no DNA and no RNA?

Nucleotides do not have DNA or RNA. DNA and RNA are composed of nucleotides.

How does DNA in genes relate to the traits of an organism?

the genetic matierial in the DNA changes to rna causing it th transform into a nucioid

What is the process in a eukaryotic cell when DNA changes to a protein?

Protein synthesis. The question is a bit misleading. DNA doesn't change into a protein, but it transcribes a messenger RNA which translates for a particular polypeptide sequence. DNA itself is unchanged throughout the process.

What enzyme transcribes DNA?

The enzyme that transcribes the DNA into RNA is called RNA polymerase.

A major difference in RNA as compared to DNA is?

RNA can move and DNA cant. DNA has a double helix strand and RNA is a single strand.