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You have to wait about a month on a normalish long-term dose to feel the effects. When you start out its like a sleeping pill.

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Q: Will Strattera help for concentration and memory over time and is it normal if you have been on it for one week and you feel dizzy and like you're in a fog?
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You am a 23 year old maleI recetnly started taikng srtattera for concentration does it help ove rtime you have been on it 1 week you feel dizzy or like im in a fog will this med help with memory?

Strattera can help with concentration and memory problems. It takes approximately 7-10 days to see an effect. Dizziness is a normal side effect that should lessen.

Is it normal to feel dizzy after coming in from the cold?

It can be normal to feel dizzy after coming in from the cold due to the temperature change. If you continue to feel dizzy, see a doctor.

Is it normal to get dizzy when pregnant?

it is normal no get dizzy when pregnant because when you get up you are not used to having so much weight on you but it will go away

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Is 60mg of Strattera a lot to start of with?

Yes, that is a serious amount to be taking to start with. -40- is a lot to start with. I've been taking Strattera for a year now, and I'm up to 60mg, and my body still has trouble handling it. It makes me sick, and dizzy, even if I eat before, with, and after it.

Why do you feel dizzy when you get up suddenly?

the reason you feel dizzy when you wake up is becase your body is using muscles that haven't been used for 8-9 hours, and your brain is just starting to function. the reason that you feel dizzy after you stop spinning is you brain was shaken up and lost its concentration balance.

Is it normal to get dizzy if you tilt your head back?

well DUUUUUH all the blood rushes to your head!

Is it normal for your mom to feel lightheaded and dizzy?

Lightheaded and dizzy symptoms are non-specific, meaning they both can relate to many different kinds of problems. Neither is a normal state. Each of these symptoms often are caused by inner ear trouble, but they could also indicate a problem with blood sugar or blood pressure, etc. Only a doctor can diagnose why your mom feels dizzy and lightheaded.

Why is my dog dizzy and unbalanced?

Yes they can get dizzy. Any animal with an inner ear structure can get dizzy. Equilibrium can become unbalanced.

I get dizzy all the time so i have to go doctors. what are they likely to doe.g. blood test?

Being Dizzy is a normal symptom for those who suffer from low blood pressure... Drinking lots of water is one way to stop feeling dizzy... You should still advise your doctor, just incase.

Is it normal to be dizzy the day after having anesthesia?

Yes, it is very common. If you are also having shortness of breath you should contact your doctor.

Is it safe to take naproxen by thyroid patients?

i have thyriod and im taking naproxen and the naproxen makes me feel weried and dizzy is it normal