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Using ultrasound, yes. I had one done at 4 weeks with my first pregnancy. No everyone will see it though. Its very small..

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14y ago

No because the fetus does not begin to develop until the 9th Week after fertilization or the 11th week in gestational age.

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Yes, if a Transvaginal scan is used you should see sack and smalk yolk

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13y ago

Usually there isn't a lot of anything at 4 weeks, but the ultrasound tech might be able to see a tiny gestational sac, and be able to tell you if the pregnancy is ectopic or not.

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no at 3 months

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Yes you can also see the heartbeat.

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Q: Can a fetus be detected at 4 to 5 weeks on a scan?
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Can i see the size of a fetus at 16 weeks?

The size of fetus is 4 to 5 mm at 5 weeks pregnancy and about half an inch or 1.25 cm at 7 weeks of pregnancy. Fetus grows by geometrical proportion with time. So you can calculate the size of fetus at 6 weeks by mathematical calculation. Say the size be X mm at six weeks. So you have 4 mm, X mm, 25 mm in the series, So X squred equals to 4*25=100. X is equal to 10. So the size of the fetus will be 10 mm at 6 weeks.

How long before a doctor can see a baby in an ultrasound?

ABout 5 to 6 Weeks, not much there to see really. They are tiny tiny then. God bless

An ebryo at 4 weeks measured at 7 weeks?

The measurements of an embryo/fetus are fairly accurate.. Especially within the first 20 weeks. It's probable that you estimated how far along you were wrong.

When your ultra sound says 6 weeks 5 days when did you conceived?

4 weeks and 5 days from scan, the first two weeks you are pregnant if the weeks which you are ovulating, technically you are not pregnant then but you still have a egg

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The light is on because the computer has detected a malfunction and set a code. You need to have the code read by a scan tool.

What would be the most logical reason that a baby would measure 4 weeks ahead on an ultrasound and can a scan be that much off?

The most logical reason for a baby measuring 4 weeks ahead on an ultrasound is inaccurate dating of the pregnancy. Ultrasounds are typically most accurate in the first trimester for dating purposes, but errors can still occur due to factors such as fetal growth spurts or positioning. It is uncommon for ultrasounds to be off by 4 weeks, but it is possible in certain circumstances. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for further evaluation and clarification.

You are 4 weeks pregnant and had a scan today you had the sack but no baby on the scan is this normal?

Hi Don't know if this will help, I had a +ve test at 4weeks 2 days but negative at hospital and nothing showed up on scan, +ve hospital test 2 days later and now 20 weeks pregnant. I was told that under 5 weeks it is very hard to see a definite pregnancy especially if they don't use a vaginal scan

Should you worry if the doctor did a transvaginal ultrasound at a little over 4 weeks and saw nothing?

no because the fetus is probably hiding so just keep up with your u/s and hopefully next time something should be detected but the next time you go and your positive your pregnant and nothing shows up then you go to the hospital

How accurate is 10 and 12 week ultrasound had 2 that coincided with each other the 10 week 2 weeks later the 12 week and they added up can ultrasounds be off by 4-5weeks?

I have been doing a lot of research on the early ultrasounds. I have a 4 1/2 year old, she was born a day before her given due date. I had an early scan with her. I am now 25 weeks pregnant. I had an 8 week scan and from my research i have gathered that the early ultrasounds are very accurate. there is no mistake between a 7, 8, 9 10, week fetus. They all grow at the same rate until around 12 weeks or more. The best way to tell if your due date is accurate is to see how the dates match up with later ultrasounds. I had one at 8 weeks, 10 weeks and 19 weeks. My due dates added up within +/- 3 or 4 days. I was told that based on my 8 weeks scan i was due august 12th and i conceived on the 20th of November GIVE OR TAKE 3 DAYS. all of my dates have added up so far so i would trust the early scan you had. The only reason a scan might be off considerably would be due to an abnormality or a problem with the babys growth development. I would have to say that no, an early scan would never be off by 4 to 5 weeks unless the baby had died and it was a missed miscarriage but that would be very noticeable as well. so i would say it is almost impossible for a scan to be off by that much, I'm sure it has happened though! life is funny that way. I hope this helped

How many weeks is it till you take a pregnancy test?

Generally 4 weeks. Just go down to the store and read the packet, it should have some kind of instructions on how long after the act you can take the test and it will work. 4 weeks is generally when an ultra-sound can easily pick up on the fetus.

4 weeks pregnant but no baby in a ultra sounds?

4 weeks! the fetus is probally no bigger than yourfist without any formation of arms --legs or other parts. you probally don't even show yet. $weeks! most women have not even know they missed a period yet

How can a scan at 7 weeks showed no heart beat and 8 weeks 4 days still none yet in the scan there are 2 fetus?

I have to say if you have not m/c it is likely that the 8 week u/s just did not detect a hb. Plainly said, growth happens at an alarming rate during the first trimester and its possible that you just didn't see that heart rate at your 8wk because it wasn't ready yet. You also need to take in account the possibility of error in fetal age if you didn't know your exact ovulation or LMP.