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Q: Will a Chinese algae eater eat sinking wafers?
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Related questions

What family is a Algae eater in?

The Pleco is of the Loricariidae family. The Chinese Algae Eater is of the Gyrinocheilidae family.

Are algae eaters scaleless fish?

It depends on what you are calling an "algae eater." A pleco is considered a scaleless fish. A Siamese or Chinese algae eater does have scales.

How big does a Chinese algae eater get?

6 inches

Is a corydora fish an algae eater fish?

Yes, I have an Albino Corydoras catfish and he love to feast on the algae. Although they eat the algae, you may also want to buy them algae wafers or shrimp pellets just to make sure they are well fed!

Why does an algae eater eat a goldfish?

Because when a Algae Eater becomes fully grown it likes to eat the slime coat off the other fish. ( NOT all Algae eaters though) for example the Chinese Algae Eater WILL eat the slime coat off the other fish when it is fully grown.

Is it okay to let a Chinese algae eater stay in a tank with other fish?


Why does a Chinese algae eater get worn fins?

It is probably getting into fights with some of the other fish in the tank.

Is golden algae omnivores?

Are you talking about a golden algae eater? If so then they will eat any algae that is in your tank which is the green stuff that gets on the walls and decorations and if you don't have much or any of that you can feed them algae wafers which are green flat disks that you should be able to get at any fish store.

How long to Chinese algae eater fish live?

around 2 to 2 and a half years.

What algae eater creature is compatible with a turquoise severum and Jack Dempsey Cichlid besides plecos and Chinese algae eaters?

Try aquatic snails, like apple snails.

What is best algae eater with guppies?

i think the best is a albino algae eater is the best.

Do algae eater wont move or is it dead?

if an algae eater is dead than it will definitely not move anymore. The algae eater could also be alive and just resting. You can take a small stick and touch the algae eater to see if it will move.