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im most cases yes

but it depends where you want to go and how serious the conviction

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Q: Will a conviction stop me getting a visa?
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Will a cannabis caution 2 years ago stop you getting a j1 visa to the US?

you may need to provide a police clearance for the job, but not for the visa. I'm not sure what a "caution" is, but if it doesn't show up as a conviction on a police record, then there's no problem.

Will a class A misdemeanor from NY stop me from getting a VISA?

A visa to travel, probably not. A VISA credit card - definitely not.

Can a UK citizen with a spent conviction marry an American citizen and live in the US?

Getting a visa with a criminal conviction can be tricky. The link provided gives the problems that can prevent you from obtaining a visa. Other places on this site will provide the forms and other requirements that are needed.

Can you get a visa extension if you have a criminal conviction?

Probably not.

Can someone with a criminal record that was deported for life do something to get a visa a be able to enter the us?

No, that serious criminal conviction would prevent you from getting either a visa or a green card (if married to a U.S. citizen).

Can you travel to Europe after a DUI conviction?

For a vacation? Yes. All you need is a passport and a way to get there. I'm not certain about the stipulations for getting a work/student visa.

Can you travel to Australia with a drug conviction?

You can, but there are strict rules. The Aussie Govt asks you on your inbound paperwork if you have any convictions - what for, sentences etc. Having a conviction will not stop you getting in, ***but*** not admitting you have one will definitely stop you getting in. Check with their visa people first, be honest, and they will understand and let you know if it is bad enough to stop you going. Better to be honest up front than to get there and have to turn around and go straight back home again ...........

Can you get a work visa in the UK if you have a DUI conviction?

Has anyone been able to answer that question??

Can a minor offense stop you getting a visa?

it all depend upon the countries policy in which you want the visa for, some may be stricter upon visas than others hope this helped

Travel abroad from Australia with drug conviction?

You would need to apply for a visa. Generally, a drug conviction will make entry to another country difficult because it warrants extra scrutiny. It is possible some countries are more liberal than others. However, do not conceal a conviction in a visa application. Most countries can check and if found out your passport will be stamped 'visa refused'. This will then add to any problems.

Can you get an Australia visa with convictions?

Yes you can but it depends on what the criminal conviction is and whether it carries a prison sentence or not.

Does having a Drug Dealing Conviction prohibit you from traveling out of the US?

It may impact your ability to obtain a visa.